Alice's body relaxed in his arms. The way she held on to him made his heart skip at the possibilities.
"Are you OK?" he breathed into her neck. Her lime scent filled his head.
"I will be."
Lowering Alice gently back to the ground, he left his arm casually across her shoulders. Around them, the group continued the catch-up and chat, everyone except Alice, who stood silently next to him. No one had mentioned Tom. Ryan finally spotted him standing across the bar with Christa Marx, of all people. When Tom's acidic stare bore into him, he slipped his arm from Alice on a reflex. Alice's body reacted with a heavy sigh.
Tom must be mad. Who would swap an angel like Alice for Christa? Christa is a complete bitch; I should know. No wonder Alice is so on edge.Ryan reached over and took her hand. "Need me to stop?" he whispered. Alice silently shook her head.
"That's good then." His thumb slowly stroked her knuckles. Ryan didn't move when Sam went off to explore the crowd. If she didn't want him to let go, he would stay right there. He couldn't begin to understand how she felt. He only knew he had a compelling urge to defend her.
The noise in the bar grew louder as more people arrived and jostled for space to stand. It became harder to listen to the conversations across the whole group. Ryan could only hear Ethan on one side of him and Alice on the other. She listenedmore than she spoke. Ryan held firmly onto her hand as Ethan continued the banter.
The two teams' intense rivalry meant the outcome could never be certain. Tom hated to lose to the Sharks. The thought made Ryan glance towards him. He felt Alice stiffen as she too, looked across the room at her old boyfriend. Ryan swallowed. Alice might be single now, but she looked so dejected.
The bar called last orders, prompting Ryan to look for his cousin.
"Has anyone seen Sam?"
"He left with that new girl that Nottingham Knights signed last month. I don't think you'll see him before tomorrow," Ethan scoffed.
"I’ll find him, don’t worry. First, I’m going to escort Alice back to wherever she is sleeping.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he realised his mistake.
“It’s fine.I can find my way across a field.” Alice dropped his hand.
Ethan nudged Alice. “It’s dark here. I’d take Ryan up on that offer.”
“If I wasn’t clear, I meant no.”
“OK.” Ryan raised his hands. Alice felt his disappointment, but she’d finished being dependent on a man.
“I’m going to the toilet before I do anything.” She stormed off, only to find a queue so long Alice was dancing from leg to leg before she finally entered a stall. Back outside, the cold realisation that Ryan had been correct hit her. She stood looking out into the darkness, trying to get her bearings. She couldn’t see Grace or the rest of the gang.How can I complain when I turned Ryan down?She lifted her shoulders.I can do this. It’s not that far. I’ll simply take my time.
With her first few steps away from the building, she stumbled, and panic filled her again. Before she reached the ground, strong arms reached out to hold her.
“Steady there.” A deep voice commanded.Ryan Bloody Fields.
“I suppose you are here to say I told you so.” Ryan’s hands raised in surrender again, and Alice felt guilty. When Ryan turned away, she stretched out to catch his arm. When the softness of his worn jacket gave way to the underlying rocklike muscles, she pulled her hand back.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m guessing watching the Tom Cat tonight hasn’t helped your mood.”
Alice simply sighed. What else could she say? Seeing Tom had left a taste in her mouth and a series of bitter thoughts about his new relationship. Ryan slipped a finger under her chin and smiled down into her face.
“Why not download all that anger as I walk you back to your tent?”
“If I let you walk back with me, can I forgo talking about him?”
“I can handle that.” Amusement spread across his face.
“Did you find Sam?”
“Not yet. I meant what I said about wanting to see you to safety first,” Ryan said, taking hold of her hand and walking beside her. “Anyway, Ethan’s possibly right. I won’t see him until the morning. I’ll probably sleep in my car.”