She doesn’t seem to want gentle.
Nails bite into my ass as she increases her suction and pulls me into her mouth, then out again, licking around the tip and gently running her lower lip around the ridge. I’m leaking and she seems to like that, alternating sucking and licking me until I’m a trembling mess and can’t restrain myself from another surge of my hips that has me hitting the back of her throat. She pushes me out slightly, takes a breath and pulls me forward again, then swallows. Once. Twice. And when her soft hand softly strokes my balls, I skim a shaky hand over her cheek, then around to cup her head. I open my eyes to find her staring up at me.
That’s all it takes. I’m gone.
I shudder through the first wave of overwhelming pleasure, then another, and another. Time stands still as I watch her swallow me down.
CJ stands, watching me as I catch my breath. When my legs feel like they’ll support me, I take a step toward her and fold myarms around her to squeeze her tight. I drop a kiss on her head for good measure.
She chuckles against my chest. “I never pegged you as a post-O hugger.”
“Deal with it.” I growl, pulling back to drop a kiss on her lips. “Still up to seeing my place? I’ll even make you dinner.” I know I must have the goofiest fucking look on my face, but I can’t help it: I’m happy. I feel something in my chest shift.
This girl is changing everything.
She winks. “Dinner? Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse.”
It’s beentwo days since the stairwell and it feels like a lifetime.
“Well?” Mina asks. “How did it go?” She sounds as nervous as I feel as she hands me a water bottle. Leave it to Mina to know my throat would be parched from all the talking I’ve done for the last thirty minutes.
I take a sip from my water bottle to gather my fragmented thoughts. “Let’s get out of here.”
She frowns. “Okay, but I’m texting Toa to meet us at home.”
William and I had headed back to his apartment and—surprisingly—had kept our clothes on until after dinner, a really tasty salmon with roasted vegetables. During dinner, I had asked where he had learned to cook and he told me all about his billet family. The mom had cooked almost every night. Eventually, he got up the nerve to ask her to teach him. It was pretty clear from how his face lit up that it’s a really good memory.
Afterwards, we cleaned up together. And what came after that…well…let’s just say that the Black Beast of Trinity definitely has hidden depths.
I hadn’t even been home from his place for more than two hours when Watts’s email had come in, requesting to meet me to discuss my grades. Was I shocked? Not really. Watts had been playing it cool, sure. But I knew he probably blamed me for what he thought was a loss of lecture hall control. Ripping off the Band-Aid, I had scheduled time with my advisor for the following day and a meet up with Watts the day after. The worst part? William was out of town the rest of the week, finalizing his future with the Blaze. On second thought, maybe that wasn’t the worst part. Maybe it was the best. I couldn’t picture a scenario where he stood idly by and let things play out. William may be the Beast, but he also seems to see himself as my protector.
Instead, I wrote my worries down—even going so far as to print out the email—and gave them to Sapphire. I took comfort in the mental image of my worry dragon incinerating Watts’s bad intentions. Which is how I’ve ended up here: in front of the dean’s office, sipping water and trying not to be sick all over Mina.
The walk to our apartment clears my head and by the time Toa gets there I’m feeling clearer, especially after his enormous hug. It’s still hard to sit still, though, so I stand and pace as I tell them about my discussion with the dean of Letters, Arts, and Sciences about Watts’s class and how I felt targeted. About the weird meetings. The dean hadn’t seemed receptive to the feedback until I had played the audio recording of Watts’s last meeting with me. And, much as it made my skin crawl to hear his overture again, I could tell that it had forced a shift in the administrator’s understanding.
“Did you sign anything?”
Leave it to Mina to get right to it. She had unearthed a lawyer contact of her mom’s who had discussed how to play it if the administration was less than supportive and tried to protect themselves with me. I had been grateful at the time for her support, but was even more so after meeting with the dean.
I shake my head. “No. But I gave him a report of my current progress and told him I want my current grade in the class to be my final grade so I don’t have to take the actual final. I was pretty up front that I never want to see Watts again.”
Toa grimaces. “Did he understand how hard this was for you? Give you any indication what might happen to the esteemed professor-dickhead?”
“He made all the right noises. But I don’t know, Toa. I hate to say it, but I doubt that I’m the first person Watts has preyed on.”
“So, what’s next?” Mina asks, all business. I can’t help but think she’s going to crush it when she starts her finance job in the next few weeks.
I stop pacing and face her. “Dean Armstrong owes me a response to my request in writing. I’ll likely meet with the lawyer again to go over it and we’ll see what happens.”
Mina and Toa exchange a look and then Toa says, “You know we’ll be there if you need support, baby girl.”
I nod, and clear my throat. “I couldn’t have gotten through this without you both. And I’ll need to tell William.”
I takethe steps to Camille’s apartment two at a time, so excited to see her I can’t slow down. It’s only been a couple of days, but texting hasn’t been enough. I need to see her. Hold her.