Page 193 of Well Played

Callie hoped that wasn’t the case.


They certainly weren’t done.Ben and Matt wrung Callie out and left her panting but begging for more. In between bouts of hot sex, they talked, remaining naked with either Matt or Ben holding her like it was the most normal thing in the world. Callie had never thought that this would happen to her. Being naked with one guy was impressive, but both of them?

It was gone midnight by the time they decided to get some sleep, the guys going to their room while Callie went to the bathroom before she spread out on her bed. She lay there and thought about what happened. She could never have comprehended this happening. Ben was flirtatious and cheeky and Matt was quieter but just as naughty with his remarks. He was the shy one of the two, and yet he ended up being more in charge than Ben. The way he commanded the room was a turn-on. Callie couldn’t believe it was happening.

How was she supposed to carry on the rest of the weekend after this? They had two more days of competition, and Callie didn’t think she would be able to look at either of them without remembering how they fucked her hard and made her climax over and over again. It was going to be tough sitting around waiting for her race and seeing those two in their trunks. Nowshe had seen everything, there wouldn’t be anything left to the imagination.

It was just one night. Callie kept telling herself that. There was no obligation to start a relationship with either of them come morning, and Callie knew that she wouldn’t be able to choose. Matt and Ben were handsome, funny and sweet despite their gutter-type sense of humour, and Callie was attracted to both of them. If either one of them asked her out properly, she would be saying yes.

But she couldn’t pick. How was she able to do that? Especially after what had just happened?

Despite how relaxed her body felt, Callie’s mind was still racing as she fell asleep. Somehow, she managed to sleep pretty well, and when she woke up, she could hear the guys moving around. Their voices were muffled, but they were awake. Callie wanted to get up and see them, but she hesitated. After what happened, she didn’t know what was going to occur, or what she was going to say. Were they going to carry on as normal? Or was something going to change?

Callie didn’t know if she could cope with anything at the moment.

Rolling over, she reached for her phone. She had a few more important things right now.

Her mum was at the house, the kids up and getting ready to go for a walk in one of the national parks. Things sounded relaxed over there, and Callie could feel more tension leaving her body knowing that her mum was in charge. She was still upset about Drew, saying that this couldn’t happen again and Drew needed to stop being so hands-off.

Callie couldn’t agree more.

There was no message from Drew yet. He couldn’t have worked all night. If it was something that happened late in the evening, he should be back at the house, surely? Where was he?

Daisy called just as Callie was sitting up, and Callie answered quickly.


“Morning. You okay?”

“You could say that.” Callie sighed. “Drew called me last night and said he needed to go into work. He was going to leave the kids alone.”

Daisy sucked in a sharp breath.

“Are you fucking serious? He did that?”

“Yep. Let me know and just left without waiting for Mum to get there. I had to sort things out from this end.” Callie rubbed a hand across her eyes to rub the sleep away. “It was insane. I can’t believe he did that just for a work emergency.”

“Are you sure it was work that he went out for?” Daisy asked.

“That’s what he told me.” Callie frowned. “What do you mean by that?”

“Well, I was out at that Indian restaurant near my place with my parents, and I saw Drew there. He was having dinner with a young woman, and there was a lot of heavy flirting going on, from what I could see across the room. He even leaned over and kissed her.”

Callie looked at her phone, but it hadn’t changed shape. She had really heard all of that.

“Are you saying Drew planned to leave the kids alone for a date? Why would he call me and say all of that?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he didn’t want the kids to say something to you. He arranged childcare, but was so lazy about it.” Daisy sighed heavily. “Whatever the reason, he was very sneaky about it. And I’m guessing he gave you a lot of stress your end.”

“That’s an understatement.” Callie lay back on the bed, feeling the still-warm sheets against her back bed, the cool air drifting across her breasts. It was nice. “I try not to worry aboutthings so much, sure that it’s going to be okay. But then this happens.”

“After hearing that, I can’t blame you for being upset. I’d be mad as well. Has he gotten back yet?”

“Nope. Mum’s still with them. She’s going to distract them until Drew gets back. I think she’ll give him a bigger scolding than I ever could. Drew was always scared of her.”

“Good. At least you can trust her.” Daisy’s voice turned sly. “So, did you manage to calm down? Were Matt and Ben able to help you with that?”