“I was going to, but then he hung up on me.”
Matt shook his head.
“He’s just going to have to get his head out of his backside.”
“I said one takeaway was fine, so I’m hoping this is the only one.” Callie rubbed her hands over her face. “God, I’ve barely got here, and I’m already stressing about my kids.”
Matt didn’t say anything for a moment, but Callie heard him moving. Then his hands covered hers and lowered them. He was crouched in front of her, his knees brushing against her legs. Callie was used to him being close, but this was something else. It felt more…intimate.
It wouldn’t take much for her to lean in and just kiss him. But Callie wasn’t about to do that. Matt was her friend. One she fancied rotten, yet, but she wasn’t about to ruin that between them. She bit her lip instead and tried to think about something else other than seeing if those lips were as soft as they looked.
“They’re with their dad right now,” Matt said, his voice soft and gentle. “You don’t need to worry about any of that. Trust your ex enough to look after them.”
“I know that…”
“This is for you. You are with them all the time, so it’s only fair that you have time for yourself. Be selfish for once and do something for you.”
Callie managed a small smile.
“You sound just like my mum. She’s said the same thing.”
Matt smiled, his thumbs brushing across the back of her hands.
“At least you’ve got someone with sense in your family. Anyway, you’re going to be here with me and Ben. We’ll make sure you have fun and let loose a little bit.”
“And how are you going to do that?”
A twinkle entered Matt’s eye, but then it was gone as he stood up. His crotch was suddenly level with her eyes, and Callie had to look away.
“You’ll find out. We’ve got a few things planned for you.” Matt headed for the door. “If you’re wanting a shower or something, you’d better be quick. Ben is in full swing with making that curry, and I’m sure none of it will be left if you don’t hurry up.”
As if on cue, Callie’s stomach growled. Matt chuckled.
“Sounds like we’re not the only ones who are hungry. Ben is going to make sure we’re well-fed.”
“I know. I’ve had his meatballs.” Then Callie saw Matt’s expression and realised what she had just said. “I mean…”
“I know what you meant.” Although from the tone, Matt thought otherwise. He tapped his hand on the door. “I’ll see you shortly, Callie. Remember, this weekend is for you as well.”
He left, and Callie decided now was a good time to squirm. Her clit was tingling to the point it needed tending to. Being that close to Matt always did that.
How was she going to manage a weekend with two hot guys in the same house as her? She was going to combust, Callie was sure of it.
“How are you doing?”Callie winced when a shout happened near her ear. “Sorry about that, some people think that shouting someone in a fifteen-hundred race is going to get them moving faster.”
Daisy laughed, running her fingers through her hair, her curls falling back over her shoulders.
“Sounds like you’re having a good time there. How are the boys getting on?”
“Pretty good. I’m sure Matt is going to wipe the floor, but Ben is giving it a good go.” Callie turned the camera on her phone around and pointed it towards the pool. “Matt’s in the middle and Ben is in the end lane closest to us.”
“He’s not doing bad. Looks like those extra lessons have paid off.” Daisy sounded amused. “He said that he wished that he had Matt’s stamina, and I think he’s been working on that.”
Callie laughed.
“I don’t think he can keep up with Matt. I don’t know how he manages to be so fast, either.”