Page 177 of Well Played

“Will you wait for me?” I ask softly. She doesn’t reply right away. Her eyes study me. I see the moment she’s made a decision. A look of resolve washes over her. Panic grips my heart.

“No,” she whispers. “I won’t wait for you.”

“Why not?” This cannot be happening. Am I having a heart attack? It clenches painfully. I rub my chest as my breath lodges in my throat.

“Because baseball isn’t what you want. You don’t want to join the draft. You don’t want to play professional baseball. I won’t wait for you when I know that path isn’t what you want.”

“I have to. My father will cut my brothers off. You know this. I can’t do that to them. It’s only until they graduate. Then I’ll quit baseball. Please. I don’t think I’ll survive not having you inmy life. In my future. You’re it for me baby girl.” She is it for me. That thought settles in my heart.

“Have you talked to your brothers about this?” I shake my head. Neither know about the blackmail and threats. It’s better they don’t. Shawn still thinks our father hung the moon, and I can’t crush that illusion for him. Sebastian may suspect as he’s more observant than anyone gives him credit for, but I can’t be sure.

“Sebastian wouldn’t want you martyring yourself like this for him. He’s too prideful.” I snort. He is. “And Shawn is old enough to understand. Talk to them. Don’t let your dad continue dictating your life and theirs. They need to know. Let them make their own decisions. And you need to make your own too. You deserve to.”

She’s right. But she doesn’t know my father. It’s not that simple. It’s best to just let him have this until my brother’s graduate and get their trust funds.

I don’t respond. I don’t have to. She sees it on my face that I’ll be joining the draft. A tear slides down her cheek. I reach out again to pull her into my arms, but she takes another step back. Then another. Each step feels like a knife to my chest. Without another word, she turns and walks away.

I don’t stop her. I don’t move. I just let her leave.



It’s been a month,and I hadn’t left the house. I’ve lost my best friend and my boyfriend. Laura never came back home. Movers came and packed her bedroom. Lucas said their dad made her withdraw from school and move back home. Apparently, there was more going on than just her sleeping with her friends’ boyfriends.

Lucas and Parker have a game tonight. They said they’d show embarrassing photos of me from junior high on the scoreboard if I don’t show up. Parker is crazy enough to do it, and he has plenty of ammunition. They reserved my usual seat in the family section. The seat next to me is always empty. It’s been reserved for Lucas’s dad since their freshman year. The other side is also used to be Laura’s, but some girl I don’t know is sitting in it.

The team is on the field for warmups, but I can’t watch them. I don’t think I can handle seeing Sam, so I stare at my phone. My heart misses Sam immensely, but that won’t change my decision. It can’t. I deserve someone to choose me for once.

Laura’s betrayal made me realize how much of what I wanted I sacrificed for her. Being in this school is a constant reminder, so three weeks ago, I applied for a transfer to a university with an undergrad architecture program. I start there in the fall.

The program will set my graduation back a year or two, but they are offering me a partial scholarship. I’ll use my savings for room and board. Work already approved my request to switch to a position that will allow me to work around my classes.

No more following along with whatever others want. No more sacrificing my dreams to make others happy. That leads to betrayal and heartache. I still miss Laura and our friendship, but I’m not the same person anymore. She sent me a letter I haven’t opened yet. Maybe someday I can forgive her, but only if and when I want decide to.

Someone sits in the seat next to me and startles me out of my thoughts. I look over and gasp. It’s not Lucas’s dad. It’s Sam. He’s not wearing his baseball uniform. Damn he looks and smells good.

“Sam! What are you doing here? Why aren't you on the field? Why aren't you in your uniform?” He smiles at me and points to the scoreboard.

DU Baseball wishes Samson Tomlinson the best of luck in his future endeavors. We’ll miss you. Now go get your girl.


“That’s your first question?” Sam smirks.

“I-I don’t. What’s going on?”

“I quit.”

“You quit what?”

“Baseball. Not having you in my life is not an option. I stayed on the team until the new catcher transfer, Boston, got here and caught up. He’s ready and starting tonight.”

“What about your dad?”

“Don’t know. Don’t care. I told my brothers I couldn’t lose you. I’ll make it up to them losing their trust funds someday. Sebastian dropped out of school the second I told them.” He laughs, and I smile. Sounds like him. “I have enough saved to pay for Shawn’s hockey and whatever else he needs. We moved into a rental for the time being.”

“You did all that for me?”

“For you and for me. I love you, Josie. You’re my everything. I was a fool for not choosing you, me, us. You’ll always come first. My father and brothers know that now. I just need you to know that.” My eyes cloud with happy tears. We stare at each other for a few moments.

“Just kiss him already babydoll. We gotta start the game.” I flinch and look towards Parker’s voice. He, Lucas, the rest of the team, even the players on the opposing team, are watching us from the field.

I shrug my shoulders, grab the front of Sam’s shirt and pull him closer to me. I whisper “I love you, Samson,” before crashing my lips onto his. He grips the back of my neck and tilts my head to deepen the kiss. I part my lips to allow him entry. I think I hear clapping and cheering, but all I can think about is that my entire world just righted itself.

We break apart to catch our breaths. “Wanna go watch the hockey game at your place instead? I need a break from baseball.” I giggle and nod. He stands and pulls me to my feet.

“I’ll need to change first.” I look down at my DU baseball sweatshirt.

“Only if it’s into your Janky sweater and nothing else.” He winks. This man. My love. My future.