Not yet. I have to work to do. Have to convince her how good we are for each other first and fix the Laura situation. I reluctantly leave her room. I twist the doorknob lock on the front door as I leave the house to make sure it’s locked. My phone pings as I get into my truck.
Laura: Whatcha doing Saturday night? Wanna hit up the Kappa Kappa party?
Me: That’s not my scene.
Laura. Oh come on. It’ll be fun. You’ll get to hang out with me.
Me: I have plans already.
Laura: You’re missing out. I got a new dress for the party. I’ll have to model it for you soon.
How many times will I have to turn Laura down before she gets a hint? She’s tenacious. Need to call in reinforcements. Thankfully, I have a brother with some experience in dealingwith persistent women. Girls like future rockstars as much as they like future professional ball players. Hopefully, he can help before I lose my mind waiting to be with my girl.
My girl. I like the sound of that.
I walk into my house and said brother, Seb, is sitting on the couch devouring a pizza. Which he won’t clean up. Which I will have to clean up. Lucky me.
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” He says around a mouthful of pizza as I flop down on the couch and frown at him.
“A woman.”
“Well fuck me with a potato masher.”
“Which side? The handle or the masher?”
“Now that’s a fascinating conundrum.” He replies. I raise my eyebrow. Leave it to Seb to think that’s a difficult problem to solve. I do not want to know what he’s been doing in his spare time other than making messes and not cleaning them up.
“You never have trouble getting a girl. What’s the problem? She not putting out?” He takes another bite of pizza. I punch him in the shoulder. He grins around a mouthful.
“Her best friend.”
“Uh. I’m going to need some more info here.”
“Short version. Met her best friend first. Her best friend wants me. I don’t want the best friend. Girl friend-zoned me because of the best friend.”
“So what’s wrong with the best friend? She ugly?”
“No. Nothing is wrong with her except she plays the field a lot. You know that’s not my type. She also hates sports but lied about it.”
“Most girls do.”
“Not my girl. She’s an Ice Cats fan.”
“Marry her.”
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
“Right. You gotta get rid of the best friend complication first.”
“Yeah. But how?”
“Easy. Get her interested in someone else. Is she hot?”
“She’s your type. She asked me to the Kappa Kappa party tomorrow night.” I cringe.
“Perfect. I’ll take one for the team so you can get your girl.”
“Listen to you and all your sports references.”