Sam returns and hands me to bottle of water with the lid already undone then bends down to clean up the popcorn. I’ve got a clear view of his ass as he bends over, which I suspect he’s doing on purpose. It’s a fine view. I might be drooling.
I am most definitely drooling.
Laura walks back into the living room dressed like she’s about to go to a club. Full makeup. Short skirt. Tight top. Perfectly styled hair. Shit on a cracker she’s stunning. My crush is pointless. Who would want me when they could have her?
“What happened?” She asks eyeing the popcorn catastrophe.
“The Cats scored on a power play.” Sam replies dryly. Laura looks from me to Sam, then sneers at me. This is not good.
“What does that even mean? What is going on in here?” Laura puts her hands on her hips. Oh no. Does she suspect something nefarious happened? She can normally read my face like it’s one of those gigantic Times Square billboards. Can she read my insta-attraction to her new boy-toy?
My stomach recoils. My head starts to spin. I just wanted to watch the game and enjoy an evening to myself. I have to reassure Laura that nothing improper is going on.
I take a deep breath, shrug my shoulders, and point to the TV. Laura knows nothing about hockey. She also hates baseball after being forced to follow her brother to way too many games and practices. I usually tagged along too, but that made me fall in love with the sport.
“Shit.” Sam grunts and plops back down on the couch next to me. The opposing team scores, tying the game. Laura scowls at him then at me. I raise my hands in surrender. Laura scowls and sits on the arm of the couch next to Sam. He doesn’t remove his eyes from the TV or acknowledge her. I put more distance between us.
“He’s a hockey fan too?” She purses her lips.
Laura used to join Lucas, Parker, me, and their friends and teammates for hockey game nights. Now she disappears. I assume it’s to be with that week’s conquest. I love our game nights and wish Laura did too. We’re all juniors and don’t have much more time left together as I’m sure Lucas and Parker will be drafted and sent away.
“So is the game almost over?” Laura leans close to Sam like she is interested in the game. I know that move. She is most definitely not interested in this game and interested in another kind of playing. With Sam. Shitbonkers.
Sam doesn’t reply, and Laura pouts.
“I’ve lost you now haven’t I?” Laura frowns.
“Huh?” Sam replies, eyes still on the TV.
“You’re just like Josie.” Laura whines. “I’m bored, but you’re too distracted for me.”
“I’m sorry. What did you say?” Sam mutters without looking at her. She huffs and stands up.
“Well, I’m going to head to my room. Wanna go to my room with me, Sam? We can watch a movie and snuggle.” She waits for a reply with her arms crossed under her boobs, pushing them up higher.
“Oh. Nah. I’m gonna watch the rest of the game and then take off.” He doesn’t even look at her. I doubt he caught her connotations or the cleavage push-up. But I did, and I deflate. Sam is truly off-limits.
I glance at Laura trying to apologize with my eyes. She returns it with a death glare. Shit-bologna. She wants this guy, but he’s not interested now. I just accidentally, unintentionally pulled his interest from her to me.
Laura huffsat my reply and storms out of the room. I caught her innuendo, but I’m not interested for two reasons. One, it’s clear she wasn’t honest with me about being a sports fan when we talked at work before she asked for a ride home. And I don’t like liars. Two, I met Josie.
Now it’s only me and this goddess sitting next to me. Josie peaked my interest the second I walked in and saw her wearing an Ice Cats hoodie. For having been so sick she lost her voice, she’s still a vision.
Her dark blonde hair is piled top of her head in a messy bun. Glasses with pale blue frames highlight her deep blue eyes. Her lips are full and soft-looking. I almost leaned in to kiss her during our hug, but remembered she might not be agreeable to that since she’s sick.
I’ve never met a girl who likes the Ice Cats. When we embraced after the Cats’ goal, I could feel the curves hiding under her baggy hoodie. She was also witty during our modified 20-questions. The fact that she also likes baseball is a bonus.I’ve met girls who are hockey fans and way too many who claim to be baseball fans considering how much time I spend on the diamond.
I think I’ve finally met my match. The thought doesn’t scare me when it probably should.
We watch the game. Me throwing curses at the refs, and her making quiet, creative hand gestures. The game ends tied. It’ll be a quick break before overtime. I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome. The longer this game, the more time I get to spend with Josie. She’s got me enthralled without uttering a single word.
I have one question left, and I’m saving it for after the game ends. I have the perfect question in mind.
Right before overtime starts, the sound of the front door slamming shut breaks off my thoughts of Josie and the question I’m dying to ask her. Two guys walk in dropping duffle bags in the hallway. I recognize them immediately as my teammates.