Page 134 of Well Played

Me: I’m at the ER with Summer. I’ll give you information when we know what’s going on.

I return my phone to my pocket. I have no doubt Kaitlyn will send a million messages before we have any information. For now, she can wait. I’m keeping my attention on Summer.



“You’re acting strange,and it’s freaking me out.”

“How? Why?”

“Because you’re being... nice. You have me thinking that I’m dying or something.” He wasn’tthisnice the day we met. And it went downhill once I became his league partner. “And how didyouknow that this red area,” I wave my hand around my eye and forehead, “is a rash?Ididn’t even realize it. I thought it was discolored from the swelling.”

He hesitates, and I notice him tapping his fingers on his lap.

“I pay attention, and this isn’t how you normally look. And, no. You’re not dying.”

The corner of his mouth turns up in a half smile, and damn him, it makes me feel the slightest bit better. He reaches over, takes my hand in his, and gives it a squeeze. While I’m disappointed that this doesn’t feel like a romantic gesture, it does feel supportive. I might wish for the former, but right now, I’ll settle for the latter.

“For your information,” he continues playfully. “I’m always nice. You’re just too busy picking fights with me to realize it.”

Is he right? Am I extra-bitchy with him because I hate that there’s no joking around or small talk like he has with everyone else? I hate that he doesn’t want to get to know me outside of my serves and receives. And I really hate that he doesn’t notice me in a boy-girl sort of way.

I didn’t think I wanted that. I didn’t join the league with the intention of finding a boyfriend or a guy to hook up with. But the way he’s acting today, kind and comforting... I’m confused.

And now I look like something out of a freak show. I don’t want sympathy touches or pity from Nico. I want him to see me as a beautiful woman, not an Elephant Man want-to-be.

“You’re mistaken, Mr. Perfect.” I force a smile that turns into a pained sigh. Not because I’m being snarky or sarcastic, but because any kind of facial movement causes sharp pain in my head and above and around my eye. After a few long breaths, I continue. “I wait with bated breath for you to bark orders at me. After all, you’re the boss.”

He sniggers and gives my hand a squeeze. “I’m the boss, my ass.”

I contemplate mentioning what a fine ass it is but decide against it. Regardless of how kind he’s being, I shouldn’t show my cards. Having him here with me feels like I’m in the middle of an episode of theTwilight Zone.I like it, and I don’t want to bring whatever is happening between us to an end.

“I listen!” I insist. “I just want you to talk to me nicely instead of yelling at me like a drill sergeant.” This answer is a great big fail on my end. Aren’t I going for easy-going and fun? This answer doesn’t make my case. I blame it on the pain.

I attempt to look up at him through my eyelashes. I don’t do a good job. The ‘come get me’ look I’m working towards turns intoa ‘lock me away in the bell tower so the world never has to see something so hideous’ look.

That hurt much more than I anticipated, and all I can do is hold my hands a few inches in front of my face so he doesn’t have to see what I look like, disfigured and grimacing. No one should see what I look like.

“Hey,” Nico’s soft voice reminds me of melted caramel as he gently pulls my hands down. “Don’t hide.”

His dimpled smile is almost worth the pain I’m going through. Still holding my hands in his, Nico’s thumbs brush over my knuckles.

My insides turn into a sugary goo as a strange urge to climb onto his lap and lean my head against his chest comes over me. I don’t. I won’t. But I want to. I wait to hear what more he has to say, but his mouth barely opens before I hear my name called for the third time.



“The ophthalmologiston call will be in to see you shortly,” The nurse says after settling Summer down in the examination chair.

“Can she have something for pain?” If Summer’s not going to speak up and advocate for herself, I will. “We’ve been here for a few hours, and her pain is getting worse.”

“I’ll consult with the attending and see what I can do.” With a smile, Nurse Betty, or whatever the perky nurse’s name is, sashays out of the room.

“How do you know I’m in pain? Am I being bitchy?” There’s the unsettled look in her eyes I’m becoming familiar with.

“No.” I try not to smile; she’s defensive. Despite my best effort, my lips tilt upward. I can’t help myself. Summer’s adorable right now, but if I tell her that, she’ll probably throw something at me. “I hear you groaning when you think I’m not listening.”