When accepting a promotion at work means transferring to the North Carolina office, I leave my family up north and welcome the opportunity for new adventures. What could be more adventurous than joining a spikeball league? It's the perfect opportunity to meet people and have some fun. I've never been very athletic, but how hard can hitting a ball down into a net be? And itwouldbe fun if not for the know-it-all heartthrob Nico Dupris. That man could turn bubble-blowing for toddlers into a chain gang chore.
Summer Sadler is going to be the death of me, I just know it! She might be a novice at spikeball, but she excels at the sport of being contrary. I say apples, and she says rainbows. But when she needs to visit the ER with her family hours away, I do the gentlemanly thing and accompany her as a stand-in. Only I don’t pretend to be her brother. No, I pretend to be her fiancé. Will this farce push us apart for good, or is there a chance this serve just might hit the net?
I putmy car in park and take a final peek at the website. “Looking to get more involved in the community? Want to take your game to the next level? Meet other local people and be part of the fun. If you’re interested in joining a spikeball league, playing in a tournament, or just finding a pickup game, come meet the gang Thursday night at 6 pm at Bryson Park.”
I put the phone down on the center console and grip the wheel again. “I made it this far; I just have to walk a hundred feet or so.” I close my eyes and blow out a long breath. My heart races, and my cheeks are flaming hot. I don’t know why. I didn’t do anything to embarrass myself. Yet.
No one’s going to want to play with me. I’ve never been good at sports. All through school I was last to get picked, and if a ball came my way, I’d shift to the side so it wouldn’t hit me.
I would feel so much better if I knew someone here. Even if it was just someone I ran into with my shopping cart at the grocery store once. That’s the whole point though. I don’t know anybody. This is my lame attempt at trying to meet people.
I gather my hair into a ponytail and look in the mirror one final time. I don’t look too dressed up and fancy, but maybe I’m wearing too much make-up for an afterwork sport league? I hadn’t planned to take my makeup off to come play. Should I?
“Why am I so insecure?” I ask myself. I know why. I never had a lot of friends. Was never one of the popular girls.
Would they see if I bang my head against the steering wheel? Okay, enough stalling. It’s time to go put myself out there.
“Look at that,”Timmy says, looking toward the parking lot.
“What?” I ask, responding to the message from the new girl who’s on her way here.
“Fresh meat.” His words drip with sexual desire.
“That’s probably Summer,” I answer before following his line of sight and putting my phone in my pocket. “Listen, this isn’t your personal hookup group.”
“Don’t knock it till you try it.” He smirks with a wink.
He may be speaking to me, but his eyes are locked on the blonde headed our way. I take a quick glance at her. She’s all tanned skin, curves, and long blonde hair. Her ponytail sways behind her as she walks. I look away from her because I don’t want her to catch me gawking.
“Would you look at that? She’s just your type.”
“I’m not as shallow as you. I don’t have a type.” I lie, hating the fact that my friend is right.
“Careful,” he looks at her in a way that gives away the lewd thoughts he’s having about her. “If you wait too long to make a move, someone else might.”
“Aren’t you getting married?”
“Eh.” He pulls his eyes away from the approaching beauty and looks at me instead. “I’m a free man for the next three months.”
“You think your fiancée would agree?”
“I’m not doing anything wrong, and I’m keeping my hands to myself.”
“Your hands aren’t what I’m worried about.”
“Hey, man. I’m just admiring the assets of a beautiful woman walking our way.”
“Have you ever played before?”