Page 121 of Well Played

Two weeks later…

With every second that passed,staying away from Zoe became the torture only the strongest man could endure. I didn’t give a flying fucking hockey puck why she slept with me. Our chemistry, the way the air crackled with intensity when I knew she was in the building, or filming the walk in or that damn Taylor Swift sound bite, was as real as it could get.

Drills, team meetings, media…the last week and a half flew by in a blur.

Every damn time I passed one of the Triumph players, my team now, in the hall, on the ice, I wondered if this was the guy who hurt my girl. Half of me wanted to thank him, which was fucked up, because if he hadn’t, she wouldn’t have

But now, with the guys all fighting for their spot on the team, the fewer distractions, the better. The roster was set except for a few key positions. And every day, the lines were getting more and more comfortable with each other. The only pain in the ass refusing to get along with his potential teammates?

Liam Shaw. Mason’s best friend from college. Something about the guy always bugged me, but Mason liked him, so I stayed out of it. The guy had a chip on his shoulder after getting laid out last season in the playoff series against the Revenge.

The sound of skates on the ice and the familiarity of practice, a routine I’d lived most of my adult life, should have been comforting. Instead of filling the hole completely, there was avacant spot. Waiting to be occupied…by Zoe. I leaned against the boards, watching but not seeing a damn thing. Giving in to the impulse I’d been fighting for almost three months, I pulled out my phone.

BRETT: I can’t stop thinking of you. And I’m not sorry, Tornado.

Fucking lovesick fool. Mel would squeal with delight to see me so torn up over a girl. Much younger than me girl, who was also my little brother’s best friend.

I blew the whistle, signaling the end of practice, and skated off the ice, only to look up and see her standing just outside the tunnel. Filming practice. Her brow knit together, and as she lowered her phone, my heart fell to the bottom of my stomach. God, Soph would never let me live it down if she knew I was sending mushy texts, but suddenly, I didn’t care.

Or perhaps I hadn’t cared all along. When her lips twitched as she fought the smile spreading on her lips, the realization hit me.

I wanted to wake up every morning next to Zoe. Get her breakfast in bed. Wake her up with my face buried between her thighs so she could make those little noises for me for hours and hours. Maybe not today, or tomorrow because fuck, I was pretty sure I’d either scare her away or Noah would have a fit that I stole his best friend. Just like when our brother Mason ended up being Zeus, our dog’s favorite when he was ten. But if it took a month or even six months, I’d fight for her.

BRETT: Don’t you want to see how many greatest nights of your life you can have, Tornado?

Her eyes danced as she read the message, tongue darting out as she licked her lips. I waited, holding my breath, willing her to respond.

TORNADO: Does that mean I get multiple orgasms?

BRETT: Oh honey. Orgasms. Breakfast. Dessert. Movies in bed, naked. Any fucking thing you want. Text me it, and fuck, I’ll make sure you scream my name and have the fucking time of your life. Forever.

No. Fuck that, I’d fight for her. Make Noah understand. Zoe locked eyes with me as I skated to the opening and stepped off the ice. Her smile grew with every step she took forward.

Noah skated up behind me, his goalie stick taped just the way I showed him how to do it when he was eight, in hand. “Lil B, I’m in love with your best friend. Got a problem with that?”

He looked back and forth between us, took a few seconds, then shook his head. “Why the fuck would I? Zoe has a mean right hook. And you’re the best fucking guy I know. Plus she’s bad ass charades player, and we’re a fucking shoo-in for Christmas game night if she’s your girl.” He shrugged. “I’m in.” As he passed Zoe, he kissed her on the cheek and whispered something in her ear, and she laughed loudly.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” she murmured.

I stepped up, took her face in my hands. “We’re going to HR right after I kiss you, Little Tornado.”

“We are?” she asked, her brow furrowed. “Why?”

“Fraternization or immoral behavior clause.”


“Unless ‘reported to HR upon commencement of said relationship’,” I interrupted. The guys came off the ice, one byone, but from the grins and nudges, I wasn’t worried. Yet. “And I plan on beginning a relationship with you, Zoe.”

“Then, by all means-” she said, her sunrise eyes filled with a mischievous glow.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Liam Shaw yelled from the ice, spraying a flurry of white our way as he halted. “What the fuck are you doing with him? And why the hell are you about to kiss Mason’s older brother?”

Then it all made sense. The attitude and his avoidance of doing any sort of promo for Zoe or Chris or even Lanie. He had been on my cut list since the week began, but until now, I hadn’t been solid in my decision.

Zoe glared at him. “Because I can. And he’s not a two-timing cheating asshole, Liam.”

“You fucking cunt,” Liam said, starting towards her. I was about to deck the jerk when Noah’s taped stick flung over from the side board and laid him out flat.