For the first time since we met, I flushed bright red talking to my best friend, who was more of a girlfriend than Eden sometimes. Because that great sex Eden referred to was with his brother.
“These,” I said as I jabbed a fry covered with deliciousness at her, “are better than any oldsexI could ever dream of having.”
“Even the greatest night of your life?” A deep voice from behind me asked. I jumped, because, God, I knew that voice. Had dreamed about, fantasized about…while using my favorite solo late night date toy.
Noah jumped up and hugged his big brother while I remained frozen in place, unable to move, barely breathing. My skin tingled in his presence even though I hadn’t even looked into his eyes or breathed in his scent. “Brett, I’d like you to meet my two best friends, outside of Brody and Kulichek. Eden, this is my brother Brett.”
Eden, eyes wide as she glanced from me to Noah, recovered and held out her hand. “Welcome to Montreal and to the Triumph. Noah talks nonstop about you.”
His voice dripped down my spine. Warm, commanding, and the epitome of sex on a stick.
Shit. Revenge sex turned into an addiction I couldn’t allow myself to indulge in ever again.
“Noah talks nonstop about everything,” he said in a dry tone.
“Oh, Tornado. You’ll beg and plead, and I’ll take whatever I want.”I heard the words from that night in my head. Theytrickled down the back of my neck, along my spine, and settled low in my belly.
“And this,”Noah drawled as he took my arm and spun me around to face Brett, “is Zoe.”
Gray eyes that had haunted my dreams. A smirk played on his lips. Lips that kissed and knew every secret spot on my body. Then his brow drew together in confusion as I stuck my hand out and plastered a smile on my face. “Nice to meet you, Coach. The Triumph is lucky to have you.”
His palm, warm and rough the way I remembered, held my hand for a moment longer than was polite. Eden watched it all like we were on a National Geographic tv show. But Noah, bless his heart, was oblivious to it all. He released my hand after an extra second or two, but the heat of his touch lingered after we broke contact. Memories of how that hand played my body snuck in like a devil on my shoulder, whispering and trying to corrupt me.
Like I would have any issue letting this man do whatever he wanted. Hell, if Noah wasn’t here to remind me why I couldn’t, I would be on my knees, begging.
“Zoe runs the social media for the Triumph, so I have to put up with her more than you will, big bro.” Noah’s grin, usually infectious, had the opposite effect on my rolling stomach. He nudged me with his shoulder. “IF you see her coming with her phone, hide.”
I punched him in the arm, a little harder than I intended. Noah scowled. “You’re so in for it now, goalie. Figure out your favorite T. Swift song for training camp walk-in.”
His eyes widened in horror at having to choose. “You wouldn’t.”
A wicked grin spread across Eden’s face, but then it faded as her phone pinged. But she didn’t check it. I sent her a quizzical look, but she shook her head. Then her smile was back in place. “Better choose wisely, Noah. All those Swifties might take you off the most eligible Swifty bachelor list.”
“Never. They love me.” He held up his wrist, showing off his wrist, which was covered by friendship bracelets. “Airport. Swifties are everywhere, and they love me.” Brett snorted, but his eyes remained on me. “Don’t worry, big bro, I’ll explain who Taylor is after you take a nap,” he teased.
Breath, Zoe.Reminding myself wasn’t helping, and I was just about to escape to the bathroom when Brett said, “You work for the Triumph?”
Noah’s head jerked back. “I told you about Zoe, dude. Should I be worried about your mental capacity?”
Brett shot him a death glare. “Your life is in my hands, lil bro.” Noah shrugged and dived back into the fries. “So, Zoe,” I shivered at the way he said my name, rough and rich with promise, “you’re with the Triumph?”
I nodded and saved myself from saying anything inappropriate by showing fries into my mouth, even though I was no longer hungry. At least, not for fries. Trouble. I’m in so much trouble. Eden watched the exchange with a mixture of fascination, pity, and utter amusement. Noah, thankfully, focused on his stomach and was blissful and ignorant at the underlying narrative between his best friend and his big brother. “As Noah mentioned, I run the team’s main social media platforms and stalk them for reels and soundbites. But,” I backed away, needing to get a little space so I could breathe, to escape to the bathroom, “if you’ll excuse me for a moment.”
My legs trembled as I scurried away and made a beeline for the bathroom. I didn’t think seeing him again would affect me like it had.
A revenge fuck with someone who wouldn’t catch feels. Or want more.
Only I hadn’t counted on catching feels for my best friend’s older brother.
“I don’t expectspecial treatment, but at least let me call you Coach Big B?” Noah bounced on his heels next to as his pink haired friend, Eden, fought a grin. She was cute, but fuck, the way the breath left my body when I saw the girl I couldn’t get out of my mind made every other woman fade away.
Like she had ever since the moment I first laid eyes on her. I didn’t know it then, but she ruined me for other women. Not that they lined up at my door for the chance to hop into my bed, but until that night, sex had been a physical act that felt great, but meant nothing when it came to the person I slept with. I respected them and made sure it was a beneficial situation for both of us.
Until the wedding. Or, more specifically, the hoursafterthe wedding in the bar. “You call me that, and you’ll be doing drills.”