Page 118 of Well Played

A wave of guilt threatened to crash over me. How I lied to Noah when he asked if I had run into his brother when I went to the beach for a week. How I decided to sleep with Liam’s new coach to get back at him for cheating on me. My cheeks flushed as I thought about that night that bled into the morning. The hours we spent naked, whimpering, and begging my best friend’s older brother to revenge fuck me. Not that anyone knew it was a revenge fuck except me. Even if no one, even Noah and Eden, our other bestie knew I had been dating the Triumph winger.

“Hey, Zoe, still here?” Marc asked with a grin. Yep, ever since the night I lost my keys, the sweet and burly man checked in on me, making sure I not only had my keys, but that I never stayed in the building alone. Or at the arena.

“No rest for the wicked and social media. How’s Stassi liking school?”

He beamed with pride. His daughter swam for her college swim team and was on track to make the Canadian Olympic Team for the upcoming Games. I was Team USA, but since Montreal was my second home, I cheered for my second home. Especially Stassi.

“Training. She called last night. Loves her dorm, but misses her mom.”

We chatted for a few more minutes, and then assured Marc I had my keys with a laugh.

EDEN: Dinner? Noah texted me. Usual place.

ZOE: Perfect. Tape day.

EDEN: No wonder he’s all hyper. Texted THREE times. See you soon. Love!

Eden’shot pink and purple strands were easy to spot, even amidst the busy Thursday night crowd. She waved me over, and I weaved and bobbed until I reached the table. The spread on the table made my mouth water. My stomach growled in agreement.


Her eyes widened as she looked me up and down. I glanced down at the outfit I painstakingly picked out. Lanie mentioned our new head coach was supposed to stop by and picked for his media packet. Which included his iPad, press and arena team credentials, and other official business. Then meet the rest of the staff. But, she sent a text, informing everyone Brett LeCavalier’s flight from Columbus had been delayed due to a mechanical failure.

Sigh. I wasted my favorite outfit.

Eden may have pink and purple hair, but she was always impeccably put together. Adorable, sexy, and dressed in the cutest ensembles that fit her unique style. Today, it was a black off the shoulder sweater and white capri’s set off by hot pink kitten heels that matched her hair.

But, I was giving her a run for her money in my royal blue cropped top and matching pencil pants. I shrugged as I sat down and breathed in all the yumminess. “Lanie is having us do team photos. Today was team colors profesh, tomorrow is Triumph Pride. Preseason kick-off on the accounts.”And any day now, Brett would show up for his first day and heaven knows he’d probably hate me.“These heels not onlylookkiller, they are literally killing my poor feet.”

She snorted and wiggled her feet with a cheeky grin, then slid a full to the rim glass my way. “Thought you might like this,takes the edge off. And,” her hazel eyes sparkled, “you might likethatfor later.” I followed the direction her finger pointed, my heart pounding in my chest, because some silly, romantic, way too horny part of me thoughthewould be here. But instead of Brett LeCavalier’s gray eyes and scruff covered jawline, a pair of pale blue eyes and blond floppy hair winked back at me.

Sigh. No spark. Not even a tiny one. How pitiful am I?

“Sorry I’m late. I had to stop by the airport.” Noah said, a big grin on his face as he approached the table. “And fuck, am I hungry.” He reached for the apps Eden ordered before anyone showed up as he sat in the chair opposite me. She swatted at his hand with a playful growl. “Hey!”

“Heyis right. You know this is your treat, right?”

The goalie rolled his eyes, and repeated like it was from rote memory, “Last to arrive-”

“Pays the tab,” we all finished.

“Why am I always the one picking up our dinners?” he grumbled over the rim of his water glass before draining it all in one gulp.

“One,” I said, ticking the reason off on my finger, “you get paid more than Eden and I ever will.”

“And two,” Eden added, “you’realwayslate, Noah.”

He glared at her until she relented and let him grab one of the loaded taco fries that everyone in town obsessed over. “Fuck, I love these. There has to be crack in them. Or maybe some elicit drug that could fuck me over if I get tested, but I don’t care.”

Eden and I shared a look because Noah loved hockey more than anything in the world. So much so that he ignored the opposite sex, no matter how often they threw themselves at him. The girls loved Noah, but he loved hockey. In the three years I knew him, he’d had one serious relationship that ended when Tory decided she didn’t want to compete with the net.

After that, he focused on training, the game, and the community outreach the players all took part in.

“Better than sex,” Eden agreed. Her head tilted. “Don’t you think, Zoe?”

I shot her a glare. “I couldn’t say, Eden.”

Relentless, she asked, “What about the guy from this summer?”