Who says you can’t meet a handsome, older stranger on the beach, dressed like he just came from a wedding, have one night, the time of your life, and never catch feelings?
When he’s your cheating ex’s new coach, your best friend's older brother, and you only slept with him because you wanted revenge maybe? Only he reallywasthe time of your life, and you don’t know how you’re going to be able to work together because maybe youdidcatch feelings.
My ex-girlfriend marrying one of my best friends from college shouldn’t mess with my head as much as it is, especially after I landed the head coach position with the Montreal Triumph. But when she walked up to me after I escaped to the hotel bar, I knew she would change my life.
When I promised her the time of her life, little did I know I’d run into her just a few months later. My little brother’s best friend. The girl who just might change my way of thinking.
Cross Check Me, Coach is the first installment of the Montreal Triumph Hockey series. There’s no going back once you step on the ice.
SOPHIA: I just heard the news! Congrats, COACH!!!
BRETT: Soph, I coach now.
SOPHIA: Not for a PRO TEAM!!! Why didn’t you tell me you were talking to the Triumph? And why did Noah have to be the one to tell me???
Thank fuck,the beach was deserted, because for once in my life, quiet and solace didn’t sound all that bad. Even for just a few minutes. I’d come out after making sure my lawyer sent my signed contract to coach in Montreal to let it sink in. After five years coaching in the minors, head coach status achieved.
Growing up with two little brothers and Sophia meant noise. Tons of noise. And Soph gave as good as she got. Texting didn’t stop her from being...Soph.
Noah might only be a few years younger than me, but, damn, he never could keep his mouth shut. He better be fuckinggrateful he wasn’t close enough for me to call him out for blabbing the news. The little shit. He should thank Kev and Mel for getting married so he wasn’t in reach to throttle him.
Surprise beach wedding. Best friend and groom, Kevin. The bride? My ex girlfriend from college, so it wasn’t as if we’d been together in the last ten years, but it still fucked with my head.
BRETT: I figured you had enough coach drama to last you a few weeks until contracts were signed.
SOPHIA: Haha. Funny. Congrats. See you soon, Big B. Love.
BRETT: Love ya Baby L.
Sophia: *eye roll*
BRETT: You’ll always be the baby. Noah’s never been smaller than you. Not sorry. Ceremony time.
SOPHIA: Give my congrats to Kev!
BRETT: Will do.
Even my baby sister had someone. Of course, her someone was the head coach for the Seattle Revenge who just so happened to be her favorite player until he retired. And that fucked with my head even more.
The waves crashed on the shore, a comforting reminder that, as alone as I felt, the world was filled with fucking wonders and lonely people staring at them. Fuck this. I needed a drink or five, and a tight, wet pussy to slide my dick into and forget all this melancholy bullshit. Phone in my pocket, I headed down the beach towards where white lights strung like sparkling stars,chairs faced a small distressed wood platform surrounded by white flowers and got ready to fulfill my duties as best man.
Kev snuck up next to me. “Hey. Mel and I appreciate you being here and doing this.”
“Shut the fuck up. Where else would I be? After setting the two of you up after grad?” Andnotbeing drafted by any pro teams. My lack of judgment greatly increased by the alcoholic haze I decided better suited my not-playing-hockey state. Melanie and I hadn’t dated since sophomore year when we figured out kissing was about as far as we wanted to take things. When I caught him staring at her like she hung the fucking moon. Drunk, I locked the two of them in my room and sat up on the roof. All night. The hangover fucked me up enough that I stopped feeling sorry for myself and was about to do…something…when I opened the door to my room. To Kev and Mel having insanely hot sex. I yelled, covered my eyes as they scrambled to cover up with my comforter and realized Mel deserved to get laid by someone with their kind of chemistry.
Just not on my damn bed.