Page 107 of Well Played

Two guards arrive, take over from the orderlies, and hustle her out of the room. Over her screeches, one of them can be heard saying, “Come quietly or the police will deal with this disturbance.”

The orderlies follow them out.

“Get your dirty mitts off me. Let me go. I’ll sue your asses off for this.” She struggles against their hold, the shrieking fading away as they drag her down the hallway.

I picture Mom struggling against her captors, kicking out and twisting in their grasp.

Maya smooths down my hair and rubs the back of my neck. “Are you sure you want me to stay?”

Her touch tingles and soothes me. I grab her hand and squeeze in the affirmative, blown away by how she stood up for me. Guess not all women are the same.


Hockey is not a one-man show; it’s a team effort. If you don’t work as a team, even if one or two guys aren’t working, you’re not going to win. That’s the way it is.

– Guy Lafleur


My brother,Chris, shows up just as I’m getting ready to leave the hospital. He peers into Frank’s room, then walks in as if he owns the place.

“How ya doin’, Sauer? Treating my little sis okay?” He acts like they’ve known each other for years. Then I realize they probably have.

“You’re sister can take care of herself.” He casts a narrow stare at my brother. “Except for my heart, and my knee, I’m just fine, Pully. What are you doing in Chi-Town?”

“Came to see Maya and see if she needs any protection,” Chris says with a grin.

My snort makes him laugh. “Fat chance. I only found out you’d be in town from Dad.” I try to sound severe but I’m too relieved to have him here to pull it off.

“She tell you I was in the hospital?”

“I didn’t even know you knew each other,” I protest. “But how did you know I was here, Chris?”

“Stopped by the arena to see Ax and he told me where you were. Thought I’d take you out for a nice steak dinner. Ax and Hay are going to join us. I’ll try not to make the whole conversation about prospects.” He rubs a stubbly chin. “Too bad you can’t come, Sourpuss. I’ll give you a rain check for a future visit.”

“Going to Gibson’s?”

“Nah. Hawksmoor. It’s new and supposed to be dopesauce.”

“Run along, kids,” Frank says with a wink.

“See you tomorrow.” I drop a kiss on his forehead.

He turns red and Chris says, “Hey, have you known each other long enough for that?” He gives Frank a look I can’t interpret. “No PDA, Sis.”

I turn back at the door but Frank has already lowered the bed and his eyes are closed. Hope he gets some sleep.

After dinner, Chris and I shoot the shit for a few hours, even Zooming with Mom and Dad, including updates on everyone and plenty of teasing about me and Frank Sauer.

“Be careful,” Dad says. “He might be grateful now and go back to hating you once he recovers.”

Chris goes back to his hotel to prepare for a long day of watching prospects and talking with coaches while I regard my bed with dismay, not sure I’ll be able to sleep.

I feel Mrs. Sauer as a threatening phantom, contaminating my cozy space. No wonder Frank keeps women at a distance. His mother is a hag. Even though Frank is an adult, how can his mother treat him that way?

For the first time in years, I have bad dreams. All night, Frank’s mother’s curses ring in my ears. The magic mirror of my childhood comes back, Mrs. Sauer’s face leering at me. When I beg to know the future, her laugh chills me and a mist rises from the ground, obscuring everything.

Too agitated to stay in bed, I try to read but can’t keep my mind off the scene in the hospital. Cup after cup of Sleepytime Tea overloads my bladder but has no other effect.