Omari jumps, holding the phone to his chest. Not like he’s trying to hide the messages from me, like he’s trying to stop his racing heart. “I … I don’t know. Someone … someone … I’ve been getting these messages from an unknown number.”
I hold my hand out, beckoning for him to give me his phone. Sighing, Omari slaps it in my palm.
“You got trouble, Omari?” Rax asks, leaning forward in his beach chair.
He shakes his head. “I don’t think so. I have a feeling I know who it is and he’s all talk.” He swallows hard, holding Little Raf close. “Well, not all talk. But he knows I’m with Devil’s Mayhem. He won’t do anything.”
Fucking Brock.
I check out the texts and my blood fucking boils.
Unknown: I’m going to end you when I find you. You took what’s mine.
Unknown: You can’t hide forever.
Unknown: You better hope I don’t catch you on the streets.
There are many more like it, some messages repeating.
Narrowing my eyes, I ask Omari, “How long has this been going on?”
Omari sighs. “A few days. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to worry you before the trip. But I promise I was going to. I just … I wanted you to see your sister and I know if you knew, you would have stayed to find him.” He looks at me with pleading eyes.
He knows me well because I would have. I sent my enforcer and VP after this piece of shit and he didn’t get the message. I would have wanted to deliver this message myself. And it would have ended with Brock in a fucking body bag.
I hold out my arms and Omari moves over to me, nestling against me. “It’s okay, precioso. You just have to tell me when shit like this happens. I have to protect you, yeah?”
“I’m sorry, Raf. I will if it ever happens again. But if it’s Brock, he doesn’t know where we live. And he knows I’m with you. Even he’s not that stupid.”
Kissing the top of his head, I find Shane’s number in his phone and hit send. “I’ll make sure of it.” When Shane answers, I ask to speak to Zeke, who’s thankfully with him. When my enforcer gets on the phone, I tell him, “Find that bitch Brock again. He’s sending threatening messages to Omari. I’ll be back in three days. If you find him, hold him for me, yeah?”
I can hear the sinister smile in Zeke’s voice. “You got it, Prez.”
After I hang up, I give the phone back to Omari. “It’ll be taken care of, baby.”
Finn chuckles. “You bikers are so cruel and efficient.”
Rax grins at him. “What’s wrong with that?”
Cuba was amazing.I had more fun than I thought I would, especially being around an escaped convict that murdered a prison guard. Though Rax is very prickly, I like him. He reminds me of Raf a lot in the way both of them are so stoic and can appear unfeeling.
But like with Raf, I caught glimpses of how strongly Rax felt for Finn. He always searched out Finn in a room, always deferred to him when making a decision, and his eyes shone with love whenever he looked at his boyfriend. More than once, when Finn wasn’t paying attention, I would catch Rax giving him small smiles, simply enjoying being in his company.
I want what they have. They’re both so free with their love and devotion to one another, it’s almost scary.
Even after our trip to Cuba, Raf is holding himself back from me. For some reason I can’t explain, there’s a tiny sliver of disconnect there. I wish I knew what it was so I could fix it, but when I ask, Raf tells me everything is okay. I’m not sure if I believe him.
Little Raf absolutely loved Cuba. He seemed more relaxed there in the warm climate, with clear skies and the fresh air that seeps into every part of the island. I can’t wait to go back. Hopefully, next time we can stay a little longer and Big Raf won’t have to disappear for hours with Rax. I know he said it was a work thing, but I want him to relax the entire time he’s visiting home.
Maria was really sweet, making me feel welcome. Raf said she was overbearing, but she reminded me a lot of how Hazel is with me, making sure Raf was taken care of and was happy.
The week after we return from our trip, I’m going through Little Raf’s clothes and realize I have to donate majority of his wardrobe. He’s growing so fast that he’s outgrown most of his clothes.
Grabbing my phone, I shoot Raf a text.