“I understand.”
“Didn’t I say don’t talk to me?” He looks at me in puzzlement, then lowers his gaze and nods.
I turn away from him and look at Jace, who has a wide grin on his face. This fucker is enjoying it. It’s been over a year since we’ve had a prospect. This will be fun. “Don’t make me regret this,” I tell Jace.
“You won’t.”
I take a few steps to the clubhouse, then I hear the prospect calling me. “Prez, if I can …”
Frowning, I turn around to see Donovan walking closer to me, head still down. I look at Jace, who reaches out to the new prospect to pull him back, but he shakes Jace off, glaring at him. “No, this is important.”
“Let him speak,” I say. “What is it, prospect? Your staying here depends on what you say, since you can’t follow simple instructions. Never had a prospect last less than five minutes, that’s for sure.”
He looks up at me, eyes hard. “Don’t call me Donny. My dad used to call me Donny when he was kicking my teeth in. I can take whatever you give me, but I don’t want to be reminded of that motherfucker. If you insist on it, I’ll walk.”
One thing I can understand is abusive fathers. Raul was a son of a bitch that loved to beat on my mother and he’d taunt her with every name in the book while he was abusing her.
I don’t like prospects, but I can respect not wanting memories of an abusive father. “You got it, Don. Now stop looking at me. You haven’t earned that right yet. Entendido?”
He looks over at Jace with a questioning look. “He’s asking if you understand, weirdo.”
“Oh.” He doesn’t speak again, he simply nods.
“Go clean a toilet or something. Jace, get him a prospect cut, yeah? You and Zeke get together and make a list of shit we need prospects to do. I’m sure it’s a fucking laundry list of shit that needs done.”
“On it, Prez.”
When I step into the clubhouse, I beeline to my enforcer who’s sitting at the bar talking to Reaper. They finish up their conversation and I motion for Zeke to follow me to my office.
“What’s up, Prez?” He sits on my couch, tossing his legs of the side as he leans back.
“Comfortable?” I ask sarcastically.
“Very.” To punctuate his point, he throws his arms behind his head and grins over at me.
“One of these days, Enforcer …”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re gonna sock me in the mouth. Fucking do it already or stop teasing me..” He winks at me. “You need me?”
I nod. “You and Shane. Think you two can keep Little Raf for a few hours tonight? I want to take Omari out.”
Zeke sits up quickly, eyes dancing. “No shit?”
“No shit. Can you or no?”
“Yeah. Fuck yeah. We love that little guy. And since Omari has worked his magic on him, he likes us a little bit too.” He tilts his head as he assesses me. “Where are you taking him?”
I shrug. I’ve never been on a date before, so I don’t know where I should take him. “I don’t know. Bowling or some shit? People still do that, right?”
Zeke chuckles, but nods. “Didn’t think I’d ever see the day where you’re flustered. But yes, people still go bowling. Omari seems like the type that would like that. He’s super chill.”
“I know he is,” I snap.
My enforcer doesn’t care about my attitude. He simply smiles and pulls out his phone. “What time do you want us there?”
His fingers move across the keyboard as he nods. “Okay. I let Shane know. We’ll be there.”