Page 22 of The Prez

I want to keep the conversation light, since this is the first time I’m conversing with him, but I need answers. Something is up with Big Raf and I need to know what it is.

Me: Why doesn’t Big Raf want anything to do with Little Raf? He barely looks at him and he just told me he didn’t want updates about him. What’s his deal? It’s not good for Little Raf.

Shane is a long time in answering. So long, I didn’t think he would. But ten minutes later, he shoots me a reply.

Shane: I’m not sure. I know it has a lot to do with him not talking to his sister for over twenty years, then getting her son when she died. All I know is he never wanted kids because of how he grew up and he’s blindsided. But I did think he would come around by now. Be patient with him. He’s not an easy man to get close to, but it’s worth it when you do.

Sitting back on the couch, I let that information sink in. He hadn’t talked to his sister in more than twenty years? All Shane told me is Little Raf’s mother and father died. Not wanting kids makes sense for why he’s not warming up to Little Raf. He’s older, probably in his forties. It’s hard getting saddled with a child you didn’t have plans for.

I’m not sure if that changes how I see him. I still think he’s an ass for ignoring a baby, but I can see why he’s a little standoffish.

Why hadn’t he talked to his sister for over two decades? Why did he agree to take Little Raf if he didn’t want kids? And ever more pressing, will he ever come around to be a proper parent to Little Raf?



My eyes feelheavy and itchy as I blink them open. Bright white lights make me close them again, tears welling as they attempt to adjust. When I think I can, I open them again, looking left and right, taking in my surroundings. The blood pressure cuff on my bicep, IVs in my arm, a cocktail of something dripping in my veins.

I croak, trying to yell, to ask someone what the fuck is going on. Beeping from the machine beside me has a nurse in white scrubs running into my room, a worried look on her face. When her eyes land on me, she smiles and says in Spanish, “Mr. Orozco. You gave your family quite a fright. They’re in the other room. Would you like to see them?”

I nod, trying to sit up, but unable to. Everything hurts and I’m so tired. But I need answers. Where is Mama? Where is Elena? Is Papa dead or was it all just a dream?

I raise my hand to my head, trying to rub away the headache. Just as exhaustion threatens to take over, my older sister, Maria, rushes into the room, her eyes red and her face drawn and haggard. When she sees me, she bursts into tears, wracking sobs making her body tremble.

“Little brother,” she says in Spanish. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” She sits on my bed and lays her head on my chest, her tears wetting my hospital gown.

I pat her back for lack of anything else to do. Maria is five years older than me, married with kids. She tried to take me in when Papa started to stalk Mama again, but I wouldn’t leave Elena. She didn’t have anyone. Maria and I share a father and we have miles of family across the island. Most of Mama’s family cut her off because of her involvement with Papa. I couldn’t leave Elena at home with Mama when Papa kept promising to hurt them both.

“Mama?” I manage to squeak out, my voice feeling scratchy and hurting my throat. “Elena?”

Maria lifts her head, wiping under her eyes to clean her face, but tears keep leaking. “I’m sorry, Raf. Papa … he … he killed her.” Her face goes hard, even as tears leak from her eyes. “He was a fucking monster and you gave him what he deserved.”

So it’s true. I killed him. He won’t be coming back for us. But fuck, I wasn’t able to save Mama. I was too late. Tears prick my eyes, but they refuse to fall. Even as hurt seizes me, my heart hardens. I’m a failure. I failed her.

“Elena?” I ask again, needing to know my sister is alive and well. “Where is she?”

Maria’s bottom lip trembles. “Her papa came to get her. We tried to get him to at least wait until you woke up so you could say goodbye, but he …” she pauses and looks at me with sad eyes.

“He what?” I snap, needing to hear it. I need to know why my little sister, who I tried to protect with my life, was taken from me before I could say goodbye.

Sighing, Maria says, “He said this family was poison and his little girl won’t be a part of it. He said she’ll never set foot in Cuba again and none of us will ever hear from her. She’s gone, Raf.” Maria cries more, laying back on my chest, avoiding my uninjured side.

My mind blanks of everything but one thought: I failed them. I failed them all.

I shoot up from my nightmare, breathing heavily as sweat drips from my brow. Fuck!

Tossing my legs over the side of the bed, I put my head in my trembling hands, trying to catch my breath. It’s been years since I had that dream. Years since I thought about the day my heart shattered for the last time. It’s been decades since I pieced together the shattered parts of my soul so I can put one foot in front of the other and not give up.

Why now? Why did that dream come back to me now?

It has to be because of Little Raf. He has me thinking about Elena more and more. When I see his wide brown eyes, happy smile and thick lock of black hair falling into his face, all I see is Elena.

Blowing out a hard breath and scrubbing a hand down my face, I climb out of bed to get a bottle of water and maybe stand out on the porch to get some fresh air.

Sliding a pair of sleep pants over my bare ass, I open my door and take two steps into the living room and freeze. Omari is in the kitchen, bending to look in the fridge. And holy fuck, he has on the smallest, tightest pair of shorts I’ve ever seen. His plush ass cheeks peek from the bottom, the plump flesh on display for me. Fuck, Omari is sexy as fuck.

He’s been here for almost a week and this is the first time I’ve seen him in something like this. I usually come in late at night from the clubhouse and Omari and the baby are asleep, so that could be why. During the day, I try to stay away from the house as much as possible.