“He just told me you guys are stuck with me until at least Seattle. I hope that’s okay with everyone.”
“Hell yes!” Easy said as he stuck his head through the curtain he’d drawn across the bunk he and Liam shared.
“I know we should have done this already but let me officially welcome you to the nut house,” Rory said with a fist bump. “We all appreciate you stepping up like this, and if you want to have that guy Johnny over to the house while we’re in Reno, none of us care.”
“Thanks, I wasn’t sure who I should ask, but it seemed like it should be Vance. You all know I have no clue what I’m doing,” I finally admitted, and it was a relief to stop pretending I knew exactly how it all worked, because I fucking didn’t.
“They don’t know what they’re doing either,” Kai said, and laughed when Rory looped his arm around his neck and rubbed his knuckles on his head.
“He’s not wrong,” Liam said, making them all laugh.
The bus driver turned off the freeway and drove down a road that eventually led to a gated community. After he entered thekeycode, the bus edged along until it pulled up to one of the bigger houses. It was very modern looking and had an entrance big enough for the bus to fit out front with no problem, and when the air brakes whooshed to a stop, we all got off happy to finally be at our destination.
“Vance will be meeting you all here tomorrow, he’s staying at a nearby hotel,” the driver said and proceeded to unload all of our things.
“The equipment can go in the garage for now. I want to go relax tonight,” Easy said, and everyone did as he asked and between all of us, we had the bus unloaded and were kicked back on the couch in less than an hour. “We get the same room we had last time. I mean this is kind of our anniversary,” he said to Liam.
Liam scooted closer to him on the couch and kissed him before they pressed their foreheads together. “Let’s go to bed,” Easy whispered, and the only reason I heard was because they were literally a foot from me. I cleared my throat to remind them I was right fucking next to them. But when Easy pulled Liam onto his lap and they kissed like they were the only ones in the room, I moved to the kitchen followed by Rory and Kai.
“You get the room in the back,” Rory said. “And be thankful the walls in this place are thick because let me tell you those two are not quiet, and there is definitely going to be more going on in their room than sleeping.”
“We can hear you,” Easy said and tipped his head back to look at us.
“Are we wrong?” Rory said while Kai and I kept quiet.
“Nope, come on, babe, let’s go celebrate our anniversary,” Easy said and took Liam’s hand when he stood. Liam smiled at us and waved as they hurried out of the room.
“If I were you, I’d wear headphones. I wish I was kidding but I’m not,” Rory said. “Especially tonight.”
“Is it really their anniversary?” I asked and watched as Kai opened the refrigerator.
“Well technically. They both decided to wait to fuck until after Rocktoberfest and by the time we got back here after the show they almost tore that part of the house down. I’m really not kidding how loud they are,” Rory said and gave me a wide-eyed semi-horrified, semi-impressed look.
“Oh god, should I sleep on the couch?”
“No, man. You’ll be fine, just use the headphones, or earbuds, possibly ear plugs,” Rory said with a slap on my back. He walked me down the hall and showed me which room was mine and pointed out which one Easy and Kai had taken. I’d brought my bags with me, so I put them on the bed and decided since it was still early, I’d unpack everything and maybe start a load of laundry. I was thankful to Vince for letting me know we’d be staying here ahead of time, so I had packed for a few extra days.
A grunt followed by a groan sounded from somewhere in the house, so I turned on the television and hoped it was enough tohide any sounds from Easy and Liam’s anniversary. I chuckled at the thought and told myself I’d use that line on Johnny next year, and to my utter shock I found I actually liked that idea.
After unpacking everything and taking a chance and checking the kitchen, I found a bag of chips and some soda and hurried back to my room. My phone sounded with a message as I stacked my pillows up against the headboard and chose a television show. It was from Johnny but before reading it I dialed his number.
“Hey, I didn’t expect you to call,” I said as soon as I answered, so happy to hear his voice and shocked at my own reaction.
“I wish you were here,” he said low and sexy, and it reminded me of how he spoke to me that morning in bed.
“I wish I was there too. We just got home about an hour ago. Our flight was delayed.”
“We got here around the same time, but after Liam and Easy decided it was their anniversary and they needed to go celebrate, everyone went to their own rooms.”
“Huh?” I asked.
“Never mind. How soon can you get here?” he asked, without a bit of humor.
“I can be there tomorrow if that’s okay.”