“Fuck yeah,” Rory said and after he kissed Kai, with a little tongue but not so much groping, he high-fived Easy who jumped up and down a few times before they both went out to the stage. The crowd screamed and everyone rushed to the stage, and by the time Liam and I were in position, we were ready to play.
Easy stomped up to the front of the stage and screamed, making the crowd that was already amped up, go crazy. I twirled the sticks and got ready to give them the best show I could and when I looked to the side of the stage and saw Johnny cupping his hands to his mouth and yelling for us, the rhythm exploded out of me. Liam tore up the lead in for Stranded and the crowd was like a human wave of motion.
They jumped up and down as the lights shone on them and we played like one less note would be the death of us all, but none of us were willing to go down without a fight. Liam danced around Easy and put on a show that was nothing like the one we’d all played the night before. The crowd was more alive and there were definitely more of them. I held my stick up high and twirled it and held back a smile when the crowd screamed. Even if it wasn’t for me, I was taking it.
Every time we played together, we seemed to sound better and play more with each other, not just as individuals playing their parts. Opening for Blinding Light had made a huge impression on us all and while I understood Jayne wouldn’t be playing us after tonight, I dreaded looking for another drummer.
“Can you believe tonight is the last night we play together?” I asked Devon as we lay in his bed naked after another amazing night of sex. So far, I hadn’t slept in my room at all, but for some reason I liked the idea of knowing I had my own space if I needed it. Devon and I had gotten along great since we met four days ago but we still barely knew each other, and I didn’t want any drama while we were still playing.
“Well, my shoulders can believe it, but it’s gone by so fast. I guess that’s a good thing,” he said and snuggled into my side.
“When do you play next?” I asked.
“We’re going to Reno to play the weekend before Rocktoberfest. I’m not sure what we’re doing during the week though.”
“I talked to Tanner, and we don’t have anything coming up. I’d really like to see you again, so what do you think of me meeting you in Reno before Rocktoberfest?” He met my eyes and smoothed my hair back.
“You really want to do that?” Devon asked.
“Well, yeah. I mean if you want me to.” I could feel my face start to heat and he grinned at me before kissing me softly.
“I’d love for you to go. I’ve never had anyone go see me play. I mean other than family members,” Devon said and grinned. “You really want to meet me there?”
“I’d love to. I’ve never gone and watched someone I actually know and like perform.”
“Let me talk to Vance and make sure we can have our own room. I know they usually rent a house, but I have no clue if they’re doing that again. I just go where they tell me to.”
“Well keep doing that, I know they’re all very happy with you.”
“I hope so. It means more to me than I thought it would for them to trust me enough to let me fill in for Glenn. They really are a tight group.” He had a faraway look in his eyes, and I wondered about everything he’d done in his past that made him doubt himself so much.
“They are, but you know they wouldn’t have asked you to play with them if they didn’t think you could handle it,” I said. “They almost broke up so many times in the past, so they’re more than aware how bad it can be. It’s obvious they like playing with you and when you’re all on stage it’s like you’ve always been part of the band.” He needed to hear it. I knew he was filled with doubt, and I knew the guys in the band had told him multiple times about how happy they were, but he still doubted that he deserved to be there with them. “We’re going to start looking for a new drummer this week, I do not look forward to that.”
“You’re all going to stay with the same instruments?” he asked, knowing each of us played the other instruments.
“Yeah, we’re way more comfortable where we’re at, and we hope we can find someone who will work with us and be seriousenough that Tanner can start getting us more bookings.” The whole feeling is different than it was when we had Ray and Josh with us. The past three nights have been so fun, and way less drama filled.”
“Have you heard from either of them?”
“I haven’t. I don’t know if anyone else has, but the three of us were all ready to either kick them out or quit. They really were a drag on us all. It wasn’t that way when they first joined us, but I think they were just on good behavior until they thought we wouldn’t care enough to get rid of them. But honestly, they weren’t that good.”
“My old band kicked me out. I see now that I didn’t take it all seriously enough. I didn’t want to deal with going to practice or even showing up on time when we played. I guess I was exactly like the guys you dumped,” Devon said.
“How long ago was that?” I leaned up on my elbow as I listened and rubbed his arm, hoping to soothe him and keep him talking because this was the first time he’d been specific about what had happened before in his band.
“Over a year ago. We were supposed to play at a club in downtown Sacramento, and after staying up all night the night before I didn’t make it. They called but I was so out of it I didn’t hear the phone. They dumped me and never spoke to me again. Uncle Glenn was pissed because he knew exactly what that was like. My mom was pissed, my dad was pissed because my mom was, and—well you get it. Since then, I’ve been working part-time at a music store and doing fill in jobs like what Jayne’s doing and practicing as often as I can.”
“You’ve been so professional and focused. I can’t imagine you not showing up or oversleeping when you knew you had an obligation.” I tried to imagine and really couldn’t. He’d made sure he was on the bus when they told him to be, actually he was early, and was always ready to go on stage when they called him. His eyes met mine then with an intensity I hadn’t seen before.
“I’m trying, and I won’t stop until I prove to them, I’m done playing around and am ready to take being a musician seriously.” I kissed him then and rested my head on his chest, and as I listened to the steady beat of his heart as he slowly rubbed my back, I fell asleep.