Page 23 of Tangled Weeds

“Those other guys really fucked you all up,” she said not knowing how bad it had all gotten.

“I’d rather not play ever again if we have to deal with the type of bullshit we’ve dealt with the past few months. I only want people who are serious about joining a band, not someone who needs babysitting.”

She glanced over my shoulder, and I knew she was looking for Devon. “I’ve heard rumors about him being kicked out of his last band, but I also talked to a couple of the guys in Blinding Light. They’re happy with him, and they are not the kind of band that plays around when it comes to letting someone else join them. He’s there because he earned it.”

“He definitely has the talent,” I mumbled, more to myself than to Jayne.

“Everyone deserves another opportunity. The other guys in your band will figure it out eventually, but I think Devon is ready to focus on what’s important and not just live the rock and roll lifestyle.”

“Thanks, Jayne,” I finally said. She’d given me a lot to think about, but right now all I could focus on was getting back to the hotel and getting to know Devon in ways that went beyond business, and realizing how much a hypocrite that made me.



Ashort while later the other guys were ready to go to the hotel, and Vance left to make sure the bus was out back and ready for us. I caught Johnny’s eye and shook my phone at him letting him know I’d be messaging him soon. I had his room number and had sent him mine so one way or another I hoped we’d get together once we were settled into our rooms.

“Ready?” Vance asked as he walked back in. I made sure I had everything I’d brought before following him and the other guys back out the way we’d come. Music was pounding through the building as it went back to being a strip club and not a concert hall. It was still early and since it was Vegas, I wasn’t shocked when we walked out and traffic was still heavy. After we loaded back into the bus everyone was quiet on the drive to the hotel.

“I sent Glenn a video of us playing, he’s pissed he missed it, but he said he was happy to see you playing,” Rory said, and showed me the video someone had taken from the side of the stage.

I couldn’t help but smile as I saw what I’d missed while playing. We did look and sound good, and if I didn’t know better, I would have thought I’d been playing with them for years. Then Liam and Easy started humping on each other and I pushed the phone back at Rory. “I didn’t even see them doing that.”

“They do it every show,” he said and looked right at Easy, who rolled his eyes. It was nice not to feel like such an outsider, and I hoped I didn’t fuck anything up with them because it was a whole lot nicer being on Easy’s good side.

We pulled up to the front of one of the bigger hotels which surprised me. I thought we’d be staying in something off the strip but apparently this was close to the other gigs. After stepping off the bus, we waited as the driver unloaded our luggage. One by one the guys walked into the hotel once they had their things until it was just me and Vance left waiting.

Finally, the driver handed me mine. “What do we have going tomorrow?” I asked Vance.

“You don’t play until ten tomorrow night. Get a good night’s sleep and we’ll all meet around six to discuss where the venue is and take care of anything that needs fixing.” He pulled his own suitcase off the bus and the two of us walked to the entryway. “I’ll send a text out later with instructions for everyone.”

“Thanks, Vance, have a good night,” I said and hurried to the elevator while he went to the front desk. Checking my key for the room number, I punched the button for the eighth floor and waited while the elevator went up.

I was lost in thought when the door slid open, and I stepped out into a long hall. After walking nearly the length of it, I found my room and took a few tries before the door finally unlocked. The room was nice, with a king-sized bed, a sofa and chair, and a small refrigerator next to a big flat screen. I walked right over to the window and opened the drapes revealing a beautiful view of Vegas at night. Then I got a whiff of myself and decided I needed a shower asap. Setting my bags down by the window, I grabbed everything I’d need and took it with me to the bathroom.

The shower was an oversized walk-in and as soon as I was under the warm water I took a deep breath and relaxed. Tonight was amazing, it was everything I’d ever wanted when I’d played in a band, and it made me forget any doubts I ever had about not playing again. Now I only wanted to play more, and to play with a band that had the same vibe Blinding Light did but was my own.

I’d eaten at the party, but the longer I stood there the hungrier I got. But the water felt so fucking good pounding on my shoulders, I ignored my hunger and just enjoyed the moment.My eyes slid shut and the weariness of the day hit me. If I stayed in any longer, I’d be sleeping on my feet. Squirting some shower gel into my hand, I washed myself before shampooing my hair. Every part of my body had been soaked with sweat and I didn’t realize how nasty I felt until I was clean and fresh.

The towel was soft and heated from the towel warmer and I thought of all the shitty motels I’d stayed at since being part of a band. This was so much nicer. There was a robe on the back of the door, so I slipped it on and stepped out of the bathroom just as there was a knock on the door. Without thinking, I opened it and was shocked to find Johnny standing there. “Hey, what’s—” His lips were on mine as I pulled him into my room and spun him around to back him up to the bed.

“Sorry, but I got a little impatient,” he said and sat on the edge of the bed. “You smell even better now.” His hands glided up the front edges of the robe and played with the knot I’d made keeping it shut. My dick definitely took notice of his actions and screamed at me to take it all off in hopes he’d do the same. Reaching for him, I pulled his shirt over his head and trailed my hand down his chest.

“I got a little impatient too,” I said, as he tugged open the knot and immediately pressed his face into my groin and took a deep breath. My hand went to the back of his head and my eyes slid shut. The way he turned me inside out had me fighting for control. He reached around and cupped my ass while pulling me even closer to him and I forced myself not to shove his face onto my hard dick.

I smoothed his hair back from his face as his eyes turned up to meet mine and for a moment neither of us moved. He stood then and turned me around to sit where he’d just been, and slipped the robe off my shoulders. Pressing me back on the bed, he licked my nipple making me hiss before sliding his tongue up the length of my hard dick. My hand was braced on his shoulder in my hope to gain some control, but there was no way to control the sensations of want and need he pulled out of me with just a lap of his tongue.

His eyes stayed on me the whole time, watching every move and reaction and going back and doing what made me flinch or moan. He wasn’t even sucking me yet and I could have shot so easily if he pumped me a few times. “Johnny, if you want me to fuck you, we need to get on with it or it’ll be you doing the fucking.”

“I’m okay with that, but another time. I need your dick in me.” He took a packet of lube and a condom out of his pocket with a waggle of his eyebrows, before stripping off his pants and then his boxers. He was sexy as hell, toned and strong and shaved completely bare. I reached for his dick and gave it a few pulls making him grunt before he slathered some lube on it and slipped a condom on me. “I prepped in the shower,” he whispered before straddling my legs and gripping my dick.

Releasing a slow breath, he eased himself down on me, never breaking eye contact and barely stopping until I was fully in him. My hands clenched the robe or the blanket—I wasn’t sure which—in shaking fists as I fought not to blow my load before we even got started. Sweat broke out and my jaw clenched with the effortof staying in control. Then he stopped. “Kiss me,” he breathed out.

Pulling him down to me I pressed my tongue into his mouth and devoured him as he started to slowly move. I forced my hips not to move too much but he ignited a fire in me that excited me on a whole other level. My hips drove up into him making him gasp and break away from my lips, but I took his face in my hands and kissed him again as he owned me in a way I never thought was possible.

