“Yeah, I guess we should go see what’s going on,” I said, and realized for once I wanted to do the right thing.
“Yeah, but promise me, as soon as you get your room you’ll message me.” He took out his phone and tapped my information in. “I’ll send you a text, so you have my number. Now let’s go act like rockstars.” He grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall to the room we’d been in earlier.
Ilet go of Devon’s hand as soon as we walked back into the backroom that was now more like a party room. Not that I cared what any of them thought, but I didn’t want to get Devon in any trouble since I now knew he was only there as long as it took his uncle to heal.
“Devon, I was looking for you,” Liam said. “Great job. I like your sound a lot and you really impressed us.” He glanced at Easy who was standing right next to him.
“Look, I know I gave you a hard time this week, but I’ve been stressed the fuck out. Glenn said you could do it and I should have fucking listened. But I’m a dick and didn’t. You proved me wrong, and I’m really glad you’ll be playing with us until he gets better,” Easy said while Liam grinned at him.
Devon’s eyes widened before he cleared his throat. “It’s all good. I knew what I was getting into when I took the job,” he said just as Rory and Kai walked over.
“Devon, you’ve been holding back,” Rory said as he pulled him in for a hug. “We’re excited you’ll be playing with us until Glenn is back. Oh”—he turned to look at me— “and you’re going to be our opener at the next three gigs right?”
“Yes, Vance and Tanner worked out some deal. We were supposed to be going back tomorrow but now we’re staying for a few days.”
“Your sound really works with our style. I can’t believe you haven’t all been playing together longer,” Rory said.
“We got so fucking lucky. We lost two members a few days ago, well, we let them go. But we got lucky Jayne was able to fill in and the rest of us could move around and pick up the slack. We’ll be looking for a drummer after this week.”
“Too bad Devon’s stuck with us for a few more weeks or he’d be perfect with you guys,” Liam said, and Devon glanced between me and Easy. I knew he didn’t want to even hint at not being committed to Blinding Light, but that thought had definitely crossed my mind.
“Yeah, too bad,” I mumbled.
“What’s going on?” Mateo asked as he walked over and slung an arm around my shoulders.
“We just wanted you guys to know we’re glad you’re able to play with us the next few shows,” Liam said.
“I think all of us are happy about it too,” Mateo said and shook me a little to show his excitement.
“We’re happy,” I said and all of us laughed. “Now let’s celebrate.” Mateo led me to where the drinks were set up and both of us took a beer and a plate of food. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I took that first bite. Jayne was sitting on one of the sofas with a small group of people looking happy and animated. “We really are happy.” I refused to think about what we’d do without her in the band, but we’d just proven we could roll with change so hopefully when she couldn’t play with us, we’d find someone just as talented that could. My eyes went right to Devon, who was already looking at me with naked hunger, and not just for the food that so far, he hadn’t touched. He’d put an old band T-shirt on, and I was disappointed that his toned chest was no longer on display.
I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him, and even in a room full of people he was all I saw—and all I wanted.
“Here’s your room key,” Tanner said as he handed me a card with a room number written on the paper packet that held it. I took out my phone and sent a text. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Devon check his phone before smirking and looking around the room until once again his eyes were on me.
“So, you and the hot drummer huh?” Jayne said, startling me and then chuckling.
“I don’t know what you mean,” I said, even though I knew exactly what she meant.
“You two have been eye fucking each other since you walked in the door holding hands.” She crossed her arms and all but dared me to deny it, making me burst out laughing.
“Okay, I don’t deny it, but nothing can come of it. When we all go home and back to our regular lives, he’ll be finishing up the tour with Blinding Light, and we’ll be scrambling for gigs and hoping someone gives us another chance.”
“You really don’t see your band for how unique it is. When you lost two musicians you all worked together and filled the spaces you could. The music is on point, the lyrics are great, and you all contribute. Even if I hadn’t jumped in, I’m pretty sure you guys would have worked it out.”
“I’m not sure. We’ve been struggling for months. I knew everyone else was tired of Josh and Ray, but I didn’t realize it was as bad as it was. It was so effortless once they were gone,” I admitted to her.
“Their drummer would fit perfectly in your group. You might want to fuck him but if I were you, I’d see what he has planned once the other drummer comes back,” she said throwing it right out there and not even looking a bit embarrassed. She shrugged her shoulder and took a sip of her drink before continuing. “It’s obvious.”
“Actually, it would be him doing the fucking,” I choked out before I could stop myself. Her eyes widened and she had to stop herself from spitting her drink.
“Okay then, so what’s stopping you from asking him?”
“Well, I haven’t actually talked to him about much. I’m hoping we have time while we’re here to talk and see how he would feel about that. I don’t want him to join us because he doesn’t have another option. I need him towantto be a part of the band.”