Page 25 of Tangled Weeds

“There you are, when you’re finished you can just leave the cart in the hall and we’ll take care of it,” he said and started to walk out.

“Oh, wait a minute,” Devon said and after rummaging around for his pants, he pulled out a twenty and gave it to the man.

“Thank you, sir, I appreciate it.” Devon held the door for him as he left and as soon as the door closed, we were both lifting food covers.

“Oh, this looks good,” I said, and we loaded up one of the plates they also provided and got comfortable on the sofa. “Now this is living.”

Devon laughed before taking a bite. He didn’t need to say it, I knew how he felt. We’d both gotten very lucky this week.



Friday’s gig had been at a bar in the older part of Vegas, and it went just as well as the first night had. Some of the people that had watched us the first night were there for the second and made sure we knew they were there. The crowd was crazy, jumping up and down and singing along to our songs, well Blinding Light’s songs.

Anchor Grey blew them away too. The whole time I watched them play I couldn’t help but remember how Johnny moved on me last night. His kisses, the way he took control, and the most mind-blowing sex that I’d ever had. His voice was like smooth silk and the way he caressed the microphone did so many strange things to me.

“They really are good,” Kai said, as he stood with Rory watching them play. The other guys were in the backroom either changing their clothes or doing something else to prepare for when it was our turn to play.

“Yeah, they are,” I said.

“I don’t understand how they’re not more well known,” Rory said.

“They’ve had a lot of upheaval. When I took over as their manager, they had such a bad reputation the only place I could book them was shitty dive bars on the edge of Sacramento. It’s taken me nearly two years to build them up to where they are now. But then last week happened and well you know about them losing two members,” Tanner said.

“You can’t tell. It’s like they’ve all been playing together for years,” I said.

“I don’t think it would have worked out if Jayne hadn’t agreed to play with them. She’s made them work together and hopefully realize things work out a lot better for them as a band that way.”

“What will you do when she leaves?” I knew she was only playing with them for the Vegas gigs, but I still didn’t know if they had a plan for after she wasn’t with them.

“I’ll be looking for another drummer if she’s not available. I’m thinking of making it a floating position so we can try out a few and see which style works best,” Tanner said. “Honestly, if you were free, I’d offer you the position. But I know you’re committed for a while.”

“There’s no way of knowing how long I’ll be with Blinding Light, and I won’t leave them hanging. I owe them for giving me a chance when no other band would,” I admitted.

“Well like I told you before, I know your reputation, but I also see you doing your best for them. That’s all we can really ask and you’re very talented. The offer still stands. When you’re done with Blinding Light call me and see where we stand,” Tanner said before stepping closer to the stage to get a better look at Jayne who was hidden by the curtain.

After one more glance at Johnny I walked back to the backroom to change. It was the same as last night, food and drinks setup for everyone, and people I didn’t recognize along with the band and other people I’d seen in the backroom last night. Picking up my backpack, I walked across the hall to the bathroom and changed into the clothes I’d chosen for tonight. Tight black jeans with the knees ripped out, high top Cons, and a ripped band shirt from the eighties that used to belong to my mom. “Perfect,” I said as I checked the mirror after wetting down my hair and finger combing it to the back.

“I’ll say,” Johnny said as he stepped into the room and locked the door.

“Hey.” He was drenched with sweat, his hair clung to his forehead while his shirt looked like he’d been swimming in it. But when he walked into that bathroom, he was sexy as hell.

“Hey,” he said back and stepped right up to me. “I am one lucky fucker,” he whispered before leaning in to kiss me. “I want to touch you so bad right now but I don’t want to sweat all over you before the show.”

“I’m going to be sweaty soon anyway,” I said before pulling him closer to me by the waistband of his pants and kissing him until I knew he was as turned on as I was. “After the show?”

“Go tear them up, babe. We got them all warmed up and ready for you,” he said. “I’ll be watching.” After another kiss and a slightly sweaty hug I walked back out to the side of the stage where Vance and Liam were standing.

“Ready?” Liam asked. He was wearing the leather pants he wore often that laced up the crotch and were so low they barely covered his dick. Not that I noticed, and not that I was secretly looking when I knew Easy wasn’t nearby. Because there was no way in hell I wanted him to know I thought his boyfriend was hot. Even if every fan in the audience did, he wasn’t going to kick their ass just to prove a point.

“Yes. It’s a good crowd. I noticed some people from last night up front,” I said, and Liam peered out into the crowd that werewaiting for us to start playing and either drinking or talking in small groups.

“That’s awesome. If we get a good following in Vegas we’ll be coming back,” he said. “Some of them might even follow us to Rocktoberfest.”

“Nice,” I said, because I wasn’t used to thinking past the current performance. These guys were so far beyond where I was used to playing.

“Ready, motherfuckers?” Easy yelled as he walked up to Liam and pinned him against the wall to kiss him. We all stood staring because damn, and even Vance didn’t look away, but I had a feeling he’d seen far worse than a hot kiss.