“I need a meeting with the families. Can you do that?”
I swallow past the lump in my throat at the coldness remaining in the corners of her eyes. “I can, but may I also take care of you first?”
“It can’t wait.”
Hurrying to her, she flinches, but I snag her into my arms. “What did they do to you? Huh? Tell you to kill me? Trade me? What is it? Baby…Are you hurt?”
She peeks up at me and her cheeks flush. Tucking her bottom lip under her teeth, she shakes her head rapidly.
“Then what is it? Please talk to me. I can’t bear the distance. I already lost you once. I can’t do it again.”
Her tiny hands grip my biceps as she steadies herself against my body. Chest rising and falling rapidly, she whispers, “Vincente?”
“Yes, angel?”
“Make love to me.”
Without hesitation, I dip my lips to encapsulate hers, and she releases a sob in my open mouth. Picking her up, I toss her legs over my forearms, and she buries her head against my neck. The heat from her breath moistens my skin as I carry her upstairs.
My foot aches slightly when I kick the door closed behind us. A resounding bang as it hits the jam jars the portraits on the wall. The bed is still unmade from the last time we slept in it, and I lay her on the rumpled sheets carefully, her angelic scent making me feel intoxicated on youth and vitality.
She sits, however, with her fingers locked behind my neck as she pulls me down with her.
“Wait, I need to get rid of my shoes.”
Protesting my departure, she whimpers, and I smirk at her urgency. My body hums with the need to feel close to her again and undress as quickly as I can. Once my elbows hit the mattress on either side of her torso, I help her peel off clothing, our lips greeting each other between slips of cotton.
I lick her neck, savoring the clean flavor of her skin. Wrapping an arm behind her back, I lift her more to the center of the bed while I follow. As if not wanting to waste any time, she digs her heels into the backs of my thighs and pulls my hips close to hers. A tiny grunt forces its way past her chest.
With a stern look, I don’t allow her to take control. She settles while I dip my head toward the rose bud nipple peeking from the chill of the room. My teeth nibble for a moment while I press my thumb into the soaked pearl of her pussy. When I suck, she lets her head hang back as her palms thread through the sides of my hair to pull me closer.
She drops her arms and wiggles one between us until a finger brushes the head of my cock, which sends a surge of lightning along my spine. “Angel…”
“Please,” she begs with a pout to her pink lips, and I graze the bottom one with my own while memorizing her candy flavor.
I stroke myself through her wet lips, edging my hot crown at her entrance while she tenses. “Make love to you, you said. Right?”
When she trails her nails down my chest, I shiver. “Yes.”
Thrusting inside, we both sigh with relief. Our burning urges finally quelled with the mist of our union. She heaves her juniper-scented air against my skin, tickling my nose. As if sensing my discomfort, her lips kiss the tip as a small smile lightens her face.
Arduously drawing back, I slide inside her again, settling into a comfortable position while her legs hitch around my waist. My cock slips out through her cushiony interior before plunging in deeper. “Is this what my little girl needed?”
“Yes, daddy.”
My eyes squeeze shut at the sound… I’m a daddy. And the realization hits me as she clenches around my length. This isn’t about her and I. It’s much bigger than that.
Dropping my face next to her cheek, I work my hips faster as her feet lock higher behind my back. The tips of her ears flame red. I grunt at the sensation of pleasure shooting through my body when she moans close to mine. It’s not even formed, the words that heave in halted huffs from my lungs. “I love you.”
Raising up on my hands to gaze into her beautiful face, I arch an eyebrow. “Yes, my love?”
She laces her arms around my chest, blinking a few times before she says, “I choose you.”
Shaking my head, I don’t understand her meaning, but she closes her eyes. Glistening drops fall from the corners, and I lean in to capture one on my tongue. It’s salty…and sweet. Like my angel.
“I love you, Vincente.”