Chapter 27
The raging flames have quelled to glowing embers by the next day, so my hand flickers on the switch to topple another government building.
Ignoring Sev as he huffs his way down the hall, I go ahead and enter the code to bomb the treasury. They can’t operate if their money burns. “What is it?”
“Sir! She’s returned! Help me!”
My heart leaps into action as I jump up from the desk chair and sprint down the stone halls. Sev carries my angel in his arms. She’s alive, but wan. A small bundle of rubble collapsed within his hold. I take her from him and slump to the floor, cradling and rocking her crumpled figure. Her fingers clutch a gun, but otherwise, I don’t see blood.
“My love, please. Are you okay?”
She nods and whispers, “Water.”
Snapping my fingers, I don’t even have to give an instruction before Sev darts toward the back kitchens. Not wanting to wait, I gather her up again and hurry to the cell that once held her. My fingers grip her waist as she shakily stands while shovingher open mouth underneath the faucet. She relinquishes her weapon, and I place it on the shelf.
Falcon slips into the room, a silent hawk hovering in the shadows. “They brought her from a neighborhood in the northwest sector in an armored vehicle. Dropped her at the base of the driveway and I brought her up here. She held that gun to her head the whole time and wouldn’t let it go. Sev grabbed her and ran the rest of the way. She likely has a tracker, don’t you think?”
Lifting her again, I lay her out on the cot, and Sev returns with a gallon of water and a tray balanced on an open palm. With his eyes wide, he beholds her tiny figure. “I brought food, too.”
She sits up on an elbow and waves at him to bring them over. I pull out my pocket flashlight and begin scanning her skin carefully for any signs of damage. Snatching a sandwich, she bites off the corner and glares at me. “Don’t worry. Your product is undamaged.”
I grit my teeth, whipping my head to my staff. “Out. Now.” They leave, and I grasp my angel’s face with both palms. “What is that about? Huh? You just walked off and left me alone.”
Squirming back, she finishes her bite and pouts. “You wanted revenge with my womb. I understand what I am to you.”
“You understand nothing.” Standing, I face the opposite wall and give her my back because I don’t want her to see my face. A tear of relief forms in my eye at her safe return. I almost lost everything that matters. “I burned down this city for you. No one means anything to me, except my angel.” Facing her with a fury lit in my loins, I rage that she could think so little of my confessions. “Iloveyou, Astrid. If we lose the baby, we’ll make another. All I care about is that you’re here with me now. You’re safe.”
Instead of responding to me, she rips off another bite and chews while eyeing my bull stance.
My throat tightens at her look of despondency. “I never even asked that you love me back. I don’t deserve it. I know that.” Opening my mouth, I let my thumb and forefinger rub the corners of my lips as I try to prevent tears from falling. But it’s useless. Hurriedly, I use a knuckle to wipe them away. “But I do, Astrid. And I’ve never loved anything before. Not…not like this, in this way, where I could purge my soul out of my body just to see you live. Mine can be damned if you get to Heaven. You’re an angel.”
“Your angel of revenge, you mean.”
I’m shaking my head before she finishes. Rushing to the cot, I kneel at her side. “My angel of redemption.” I clear my throat and take a momentary pause to swallow in some air. Tightness envelops my chest. She may never care for me. But it doesn’t matter. As long as she’s safe and happy and free. “You were right. I was focused on the wrong outcome. Now, I want a child with you to show the world how much you mean to me. And because you’ll do better than my parents did.”
A single line forms across her forehead, only visible by a dark shadow crossing her cheeks in the flickering sconce light. “Are you going to keep me in this cell?” She spits out the words like she’s angry with me. I suppose it would be my final punishment. To love someone who can never love me back.
“Not unless you want to.” I lean forward to touch her collar and she flinches away. Pulling the key out of my pants pocket, I hold it up to show her. She eases in her posture, and I unlock it from her neck, letting it slip onto the floor.
“Why did you do that?”
“Because I want to give you a choice.” Crossing my arms, I wait as she stares at the leather lying lonely on the stones. “What did they do to you? What demands did they make?”
She brushes some crumbs off her pajama tank, then wraps the cot’s blanket over her shoulders. Chewing another sandwich, she swigs the water bottle and takes her time before answering.
“They kept me in a dark room. Then they buried me alive. Then they asked for the baby.”
My breath catches. Despite the knowledge we could make another one, I freeze with fear. I don’t want to lose our son. But also, my love’s odd demeanor, her vitriol and simmering rage make me wonder…
Whatexactlydid she have to give up in order to come back?
Her cool skin erupts in goosebumps when my thumb grazes it in a soothing circle. The air is damp when I heave a deep breath into my lungs to try to soothe the pain of truth.
She gave themme.