Page 47 of Anorthic Anarchy

“Okay, Vincente.”

With a blink, he sits up, his eyes darting toward me as his lips part to speak. But the door opens softly as Dilan steps inside. “Yes, sir?”

“Please escort my wife to the library and then return to me.”

The glisten of her painted red lips catches the late morning light as she purses them. “Of course, sir.” Shifting her gaze, she scans my outfit, then wanders toward the second bedroom and inside. When she returns, she holds a fresh red shift dress across her arms.

Emboldened by the event of this morning, I try my hand at my next request. Without a glance at the master, I say, “I’d like to wear something else. Somethingcomfortable. Like pants and an actual shirt. Some underwear, too.”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Strauss, but this is the uniform we have for women in this household.”

“But I’m not a woman in this household. I’m his wife.”

Her jaw tightens and her cheeks flush, especially when Vincente roars a loud laugh. Fingers delve into my scalp and pull me close to his head as he places a smacked kiss on my temple. “Let her have some of my old things. I’ll send Sev to get her some more appropriate clothing.”

She doesn’t move, but studies the two of us with an air of disinterest. I dare not look at her and focus on finishing my juice. Gracefully, she turns and wanders to the dresser nearby to gather up a pair of his pajama pants and a T-shirt, then lays them on the bed for me.

“I’ll wait outside until you’re ready, miss.”

Vincente’s hand makes its way onto my thigh to gain my attention. “Mrs. Strauss.”

My eyebrows furrow in confusion. “Huh?”

“You’remyMrs. Strauss.”

When I dress, his gaze never departs from me. And neither do the odd feelings he leaves me with. I’m not exactly sure what’s going on inside his strategic mind. But I know one thing.

I haveallthe power here.

Chapter 19


Closing my eyes, I reminisce about the morning’s activities. My fingers peak into a point underneath my nose as I glance out at the falling leaves beyond the study window. Her musk still lingers on me. Only a madman would lick them to taste it again.

So I do.

“Darling? Is there anything you require?” Dilan asks, like she wants to know more than the question spoken.

When I spin in the leather desk chair, its squeak fills the silent air between us. My feet find their way to the top, and I clear my throat, but the grin just won’t leave my face. “Not yet.”

As if she’s human, her nails fidget over a marble clock standing on the ledge. Her dark blue eyes dance casually across my face. “The girl seems to be settling in quickly to her new role. Is there anything you’d like done with her? For training, I mean.”

My cock springs to life at the thought of disciplining her. Spanking her pert little ass. How my brand turns so red when I do. Getting her thighs used to a whip or cane… Fucking herbratty mouth until her lips stretch and crack at the corners from my thickness.

“No. I think I’ll handle it. She’s doing just fine.”

Letting the figure go, she straightens her posture and dips her chin. “I see. What would you have me tell the others? There’s confusion about the roles now. About wheretheyfall in line.”

I shove away from the desk, shaking my head with a grin. “I’m sure. But there’s no need for unrest. Yet.” With a swift movement, I stand and meet my mistress’s widened eyes. “I am the master. She is my wife. That makes Astrid the head of this household and everyone in it, except for me. Do you have questions about that?”

She schools her face into her usual stoicism and eloquently statues in front of me. Like a block of ice. “No, sir. None. I’ll make this all very clear.”

Slapping my hands together loudly, I proclaim, “Wonderful! Now…whereismy little wife? I haven’t seen her in a few hours, and it’s time to make another deposit.”

Her pearl collar bobs as she swallows. “In the library, sir. Studyingmaps. If that will be all, I’ll educate the other women.”

“Thank you, Dilan.”