Reaching over with a snap, I tap two fingers to Murphy’s forehead as Garg makes a move to come at me. “Think! Think, you idiot. If wekillthese fucks, they’ll be replaced with more just like ’em. Maybe worse. No. The way out of this isthroughit. I’m working the systemfrom the inside.”
Rogue and Jaws are at my back, but no one is moving. Everyone seems to finally use their brains and I can practically hear the wheels grinding in their heads.
“So, you’re workin’ them over.”
“Best way to get a vote in the senate is to put mymouth over the ear of the senator, right? I’ve got Freidenberg’s ear. And now I’m living with Donovan.” Swallowing, I don’t tell them that Ace and I aren’t exactlyclose. But I’m there physically.
“That’s only two outta three,” Garg’s deep voice spits out. “What are you gonna do about Von Dovish?”
Twisting my neck to stare him down, despite having to lift my eyes to meet his much taller ones, I snap out, “Who do you think has the biggest grudge against him, huh?”
I shove through them and take a few steps backward as they continue to look bemused. “I’ve got it under control. And you know what? I’m fucking busy. So give me that cash so I can make the drops and get home to my girlfriend and her husband. You know, do therealwork to take care of everyone in the entire fucking city.”
They all shift into motion, Murphy suddenly finding the money bag and shuffling forward with a half bow in apology. “Sorry, man. I shoulda known you always have a plan,” he mutters.
Slinging the bag onto my back, I call out over my shoulder as I walk to my bike, “The meeting tonight is cancelled. Got a dinner I need to attend.”
By the time evening rolls around, I’ve dished out the money, made nice with the bear, and head toward home. After a quick shower and change of clothes, I find Ace and Ari in almost the same positionsI left them in at breakfast. The gnawing feeling is not only hunger. It’s jealousy.
As I slide into a seat, Ace doesn’t even look at me, his lips occupied kissing my girlfriend’s neck. “Hey!” the vixen yells as the chef sets down our plates. Gourmet food again. It’s too rich for my taste. I loosen my clenched jaw.
“You ever going to sit in yourownseat there, vix?” Stabbing a piece of jiggly meat, I stuff it in my mouth and toss back the glass of red wine. No beer here and that drives me crazy, but it would be weird to stock a fridge for a place that isn’t mine.
With a smile, she slides off Ace’s lap and into the seat next to me. “Bad day?”
“My day was just fine.” I turn my fork over and point it between the two of them. “Looks like you guys didn’t even move today.”
Ace snorts and places his wineglass to his lips, saying, “Oh,wemoved.”
Ari giggles and kicks him playfully under the table. Slamming my knife down, they both eye me cautiously. “You fucking wanted me here for this shit? To watch the newlyweds flirt and fuck in front of me? I’ll go sleep in the shop if that’s the case.” I push back from the table and stand, but Ari grabs my hand, giving me her perfect begging face. The one I can’t resist.
“No, I wanted to discuss that very thing. Talk aboutexpectationsand so forth. Sit back down here.”
I do, only to hear what she has to say, but if sheutters one damn word I don’t like…the meeting is back on, and the uncomfortable scratchy sofa in my office is getting a companion tonight.
“No one is having relations without anyone else,” she says, her head turning between Ace and me.
“So you guys didn’t…” I ask, some relief hopeful in my heart.
“No, not without you.” Her chocolate eyes warm up my face as she scans my expression. “Okay?” she asks us.
Nodding, I relent. Sounds good to me if that fucker will also agree.
Lifting one corner of his lips, he says, “Yep. Agreed.” Like he has no plans to obey anything. Fucking maverick.
“And this is Wyatt’s house now, as much as anyone’s.” Her hand grips my thigh and squeezes. “So you should treat it as such and stop playing like you’re a guest in your own home.”
Ace’s jaw drops. “Uh…I’m the one who pays the bills! It’s my house! I grew up here!”
Closing my eyes, I give my head a slow shake. “I’mthe one who pays the bills now, fucker. Where do you think your income comes from?”
Quickly, like he’s proud of himself, he answers, “Freidenberg.”
“And where do you thinkFreidenberggets his cash from…”
He closes his mouth as he slumps in his chair.
“That’s what I thought. And from whatIknow, Ace Donovan doesn’t do too well with money.”