“Lock up when you’re done,” he told his brother and left.

Charlie hurried to greet her. She crouched down to pet the dog, grateful for the distraction. But eventually she had to stand back up and face Aidan.

They stared at each other from across the room. She had no way of knowing what he was thinking. For all that they were friends, there were still mysteries between them.

He motioned to the sofa. “Have a seat.”

She settled at one end. Aidan took the other. Charlie curled up between them and put his head on his paws. Silence filled the open space.

Shelby tried to think what she should say first. Or maybe she was just hoping he would start talking, because that would be so much easier.

“I miss you,” Aidan said.

The unexpected statement shocked her into confessing, as well. “I miss you, too. It’s been hard not hanging out. Or talking on the phone or texting.”

She glanced at him, then away. She drew in a breath and returned her gaze to his. “We have to talk about the kiss.”

“I know.”


“I’m not saying I want to talk about it, I’m saying we should. Unless you agree that it was just a kiss and we should let it go?”

He sounded so hopeful, she had to smile. “No.”

“I didn’t think so.”

“But you made the effort. That counts.”

“Not enough.” He leaned toward her. “Shelby, we’re not going there. It would be a mistake. I want you, that’s pretty obvious. Being together would be amazing. But that’s not why we’re here.”

He wanted her? Little butterflies danced through her tummy. He wanted her! Anticipation filled her as she thought about how good she’d felt in his arms. How safe and sexy and hungry.

“It’s not the worst idea,” she began.

He cut her off with a shake of his head. “It would be a disaster.”

“Why? You have a lot of experience. You know what you’re doing.”

She’d been hoping he would at least crack a smile, but he continued to look serious.

“We’re doing something good here,” he told her. “I don’t want to lose that.”

“So if I threw myself at you right now, you’d refuse me?”

“Regretfully, yes.”

Ouch. “But you won’t sleep with anyone else until the six months are over?”

“No, I won’t. We had a deal.”

Talk about an honorable man, she thought glumly. One with integrity. She should be thrilled. Impressed. Instead all she felt was rejection and mild annoyance.

While she’d never considered herself a prude, she wasn’t exactly anyone’s ideal of a temptress. So seducing Aidan was out of the question. Besides, as much as she didn’t like to admit it, she kind of respected his stand. If only it weren’t so confusing.

Because he was right. They were doing something good. But after that kiss, well, everything was different now.

“I can’t decide if I should applaud you or beat you with a stick,” she admitted.

“How about we go back to being friends?”

Her cell phone rang before she could answer. She glanced at the screen and saw it was her sister-in-law.

“It’s Destiny,” she said as she pushed the green button. “Hi. Everyone okay?”

Destiny’s voice cracked. “N-no. It’s a mess. I’m a mess. I really need your help.”

* * *

“YOU SURE YOU know what you’re doing?” Destiny asked, her voice doubtful.

“He’s fine,” Shelby assured her, before Aidan could admit that he was clueless.