He knew why his buddies were having trouble. No male still breathing could look at Shelby and not want her. They all thought he was an idiot for not at least trying to make a run at her. And while his entire body agreed, his head knew differently. He liked Shelby. A lot. He wanted to be with her the way they were. Talking and hanging out and having fun. If they had sex, all that would go away. Things would get complicated.

She sighed. “I can deal if you can.”

“I can.”

“Good. Because this is working. I’m more comfortable around men. Last week, when we played darts with your friends, I was totally fine.”

“I’m getting in touch with my feminine side.” He grinned. “If you tell anyone that, I’ll deny it to your face.”

She laughed. “I would never tell a soul. It’s just so strange. You and I are great. It’s everyone else. I wish there was a way to have an honest conversation with the whole town. To just tell them what’s going on.”

“They would never believe us. They think we’re a couple.”

“Practically married.” She drew in a breath. “Oh, Aidan, I have a very bad idea. Tell me no. You have to tell me no.”

Blood immediately heated and headed to his groin. He had to clear his throat before he could speak.

“What is it?”

She turned to him. “It’s April Fool’s in a couple of days. Let’s take out an ad in the paper saying we’re married. A full-page ad. Everyone will go crazy. Then we can print a retraction and maybe they’ll get how ridiculous they’ve been.”

Okay, not exactly the “I desperately want you in my bed” that he’d been hoping for, but a funny second choice. Nick would freak, as would his friends.

“It might get people off our backs.” He grinned. “I say we go for it.”

* * *

SHELBY HELD HER beautiful niece in her arms. Tonya slept in her cocoon of blankets. One tiny hand clenched and unclenched, as if she was dreaming.

The baby’s room was quiet and soothing. Destiny sat in the other chair, her red hair pulled back in a ponytail, her eyes closed.

She looked exhausted, Shelby thought, not wanting to mention that. There were dark circles under her eyes and her skin was pale. She knew better than to ask about sleep. Kipling had already told her that Tonya woke up every night. On the bright side, she ate, went to the bathroom, then fell back asleep. Still, the schedule had to be grueling.

“You doing okay?” Shelby asked.

Destiny opened her eyes and smiled. “I’m so tired I can’t think. My body still feels like it’s owned by aliens and I can’t imagine life ever returning to normal, but I’m okay. Better than okay. She’s amazing. I love her.”

Her smile turned rueful. “Whatever they tell you about breastfeeding is a crock, though. It’s uncomfortable and weird. I know, I know, it’s how mammals do it, but still. Strange. Grandma Nell would tell me to get over it, so that’s what I tell myself.”

“Is it helping?”

“Some.” She rolled her eyes. “My manager’s already asking when Starr and I can go on tour. I remind him I have a newborn, but he’s a man and not the least bit impressed.”

“You finished the album, right?”

“Yes. It’s going to be released in a couple of months.”

Destiny and Starr shared a famous country singer father. The half sisters had written several songs together and recorded an album.

“You were going to tour later in the summer?” she asked.

“That was the plan,” Destiny admitted. “Kipling will be crazy busy with work, so Starr and I were going to take the baby with us, along with a nanny. It’s only a few dates and we’d have a big RV we’d call home. So Tonya can have familiar surroundings. It all seemed so reasonable, but now I don’t know.”