“Of course I’ll do it,” Shelby told her. “I’ll send out the emails this week.”

“I’ll help,” Aidan added.

Shelby glanced at him in surprise. He winked at her.

“Excellent.” Mayor Marsha came to her feet. “Then I’ll leave you to it.”

The meeting obviously over, Shelby and Aidan left. When they were back on the sidewalk, she turned to him. “Why did you agree? You could have left it to me.”

“You see the movie Titanic?”

“Of course. What does that have to do with anything?”

Aidan grinned. “We’re in this together, Shelby. You jump, I jump. She said casual. We can come up with a couple of things to do with the singles in town and then it’s over. How hard could it be?”

“You say that now, but just wait. This idea has regret written all over it.”

He chuckled. “Probably, but we’re going to see it through anyway.”

Because that was who Aidan was, she thought as they headed back to their respective offices. The kind of man who did the right thing. He was nice, she admitted as she waved goodbye at the corner and walked toward the bakery. Steady. Someone she could depend on. Good qualities in a friend.

He was also easy on the eyes and every now and then she found herself wondering what it would be like to kiss him. Not that she would. They were friends. Nothing more. Any tingles or urges were simply left over from years of dating. They didn’t mean anything. They couldn’t. Being friends with Aidan was important. Her future happiness was at stake. No kiss was worth that.


“WHAT HAPPENS AT a baby shower?” Aidan asked, not sure why he bothered. There was a part of him that didn’t want to hear the answer.

“It’s a party. A celebration with gifts and food and games.”

“But no actual babies?”

Shelby laughed. “No babies. Well, sometimes there are. There are family showers and couples showers. This isn’t either of those.”

“So Destiny will be there, and her friends.”




Their alternating gender events continued. This time it was a girl thing, which meant he was going to his first ever baby shower. The concept was a little daunting.

“Will I be the only guy there?”

They were outside Jack McGarry’s house. The two-story home sat on the golf course, where there were wide lawns, plenty of space between the houses and three-car garages. Of course, Jack was a former Super Bowl–winning quarterback, so he could pretty much afford anything he wanted. Aidan thought it was pretty funny that three former Super Bowl–winning football stars had settled in their sleepy town. Not that he was complaining. Every now and then the guys hung out in The Man Cave during a game. Getting their insight into the action made the experience pretty awesome.

“You are going to be the only guy,” Shelby admitted. “And I kind of had to get permission to bring you, so, um, you know...”

He laughed. “Act right?”

“You always act completely fine. Just remember, this is a girl thing.”

She was cute when she was worried. He leaned in. “Do you think that by the time all this is over, I’ll start to grow breasts?”

“You worry about growing breasts a lot and I don’t know why.” She laughed and the concern faded from her eyes. “I promise, that’s not going to happen. But I think you’ll be more in touch with your feminine side.”

He would rather be more in touch with an actual woman, but that wasn’t going to happen for a while. He told himself he would get used to the low-grade desire that seemed to fill him whenever he was around Shelby. He found himself noticing things like the shape of her jaw and the way her laugh seemed to kick him in the gut.