Madeline smiled. “I would and I will. Now come see the beautiful mother.”

The crowd made room for them as they walked into the hospital room. Aidan didn’t know if all maternity rooms were singles, but with the number of people visiting Isabel he doubted the hospital would’ve had a choice either way. Her parents were there, along with her husband’s impressive family. Ford was one of six children and his three sisters were also triplets. Denise, Ford’s mom, had her boyfriend, Max, along. Aidan winced as he thought the B word in association with a woman well into her fifties. But Denise and Max weren’t married and he didn’t know what else to call the man. Life partner just seemed so weird.

Shelby rushed to her friend’s side and they embraced. Aidan sidled over to where the men were standing. Ford looked a little shell-shocked.

“How you holding up?” Aidan asked him.

“I’m not,” Ford admitted. “I’ve seen combat. I’ve seen a lot of bad stuff. Nothing prepared me to watch a doctor slice open my wife’s stomach like a watermelon and pull babies out. They should warn you.”

Aidan didn’t know if he should laugh, offer a hug or run for the hills. The latter seem to make the most sense but he told himself to suck it up. He only had to hear about it; Ford had had to live it.

“I mean I knew it was triplets,” Ford continued, shaking his head. “I saw an ultrasound. The doctor was very clear. But jeez, when they pulled out one baby after the other and they were so damn small.” He stared at Aidan. “I’m talking small. What are we supposed to do with them?”

Aidan was saved from answering when Shelby waved him over. She showed Isabel the pretzel bread and the new mother promptly burst into tears. The hormone bath continued as the other women rushed into see what was wrong. He busied himself setting out the boxes of cookies, then slowly, very slowly, backed into the hall. He figured Shelby would know where to find him.

What he didn’t expect was to see his parents in the hallway outside the room. His mother, maybe, but his father? Ceallach wasn’t really interested in anything but himself.

His mother smiled when she saw him. “We heard the good news and came to see Isabel and the babies. Have you been down to the nursery? They’re so beautiful. Tiny, but beautiful. She must be so happy.” His mother hugged him. When she straightened, her gaze was direct. “I want grandchildren.”

Aidan took a step back and held up both hands. “Don’t look at me. Del is the one who’s engaged. Talk to him and Maya.”

“I want grandchildren from all of you. You need to get started on that. Shelby is a perfectly nice girl. What are you waiting for?”

Aidan held in a groan. There was no way he was getting into the we’re-just-friends conversation yet again. He turned to his father.

“Hey, Dad. How’s it going?”

His father looked at him. Ceallach’s gaze sharpened as if he just now realized who was in front of him. “You! This is all your fault.”

“There’s five of us. The grandkid thing is not just on me.”

“You’re the reason Nick’s leaving. You’re the one chasing him away.” His father’s voice rose with each word.

“Is that what you really think?” Aidan asked. “That I have anything to do with this? You’re wrong. This is all about you, Dad. This is all your doing. There’s a reason every one of your sons have left Fool’s Gold. Do you ever stop to think about that?”

Elaine put a restraining hand on his arm. “Aidan, don’t. You’ll upset your father.”

“Yeah, we wouldn’t want that, would we?”