Page 9 of Rawest Venom

As I stuff my purse under the counter, Cal’s eyes stick to his computer screen, fingers flying away on the keyboard. Ugh, if only I’d worn lipstick today. I bet he would look longer if I’d worn mauve. Does he even like makeup on a girl? Why don’t I know this?

“It was fine, relaxing. Just reading in my apartment since the weather’s been so cold. How about you? Do anything interesting?”

Straightening up, he turns to peer down at me with his garden green eyes as his aura envelops me. It takes him a moment, ingesting my appearance, his gaze searching my face with a seriousness he always seems to carry. “What were you reading?”

“Crime and Punishment. You ever read it?” I said that fast. Was it too fast?

“Yes.” He swallows. “I have.”

Why does just his stare make me soaking wet? My heart flutters under the shadow of his figure. Taking a deep breath in, I ask, “Um, you mentioned last week about setting me up with the training? I was thinking about that this weekend.”

Cal’s face brightens into a big smile, eyes crinkling at the corners and flashing his white teeth. “Were you? Was it occupying your mind?”

Even though his smile is warm, the sentiment is confusing me. What does he want me to say? Did I think abouthim? Yes…all the time. “Uh, yeah. I mean, I am nervous since you warned me it would be tough, but I really want to do well at this job. I figured if you were watching out for me, it wouldn’t be so bad.”

“I’ll definitely watch out for you, Jane.” Were his eyes narrowing as he spoke? Before I can interpret the gesture, his smile vanishes, and I’m left with emptiness and unease. “The first step is gathering and collecting the correct species. It’s winter, almost spring, so likely you won’t find anything of value. But the primary mission is to get you used to traveling the lands and knowing the areas well. That way, when the warmer weather comes, you’ll be ready. Obviously, we grow our own, but when we want a new harvestable, I send someone out to forage.”

His arm reaches toward me as he takes a step closer. Bending my elbows, I almost grip his waist, thinking he’s going in for a hug. But at the last minute, he gathers his phone from the counter behind me. My act did not go unnoticed as his worried brow comes back in full force. Fucking great.

“Yeah, no problem. I can forage.”Please don’t turn red, I silently command my cheeks.

“The danger lies in the location. You’ll be exploring Gnarled Pine Park and around the woodlands beyond.”

Immediately, my pulse speeds away. “Donovan’s territory?” Unnoticeably, I scan his face for some acknowledgement of this, but he’s staring down at the ground. His dark brown hair waves with his slight head nod.

Unlocking his phone, he flips it around for me to see. “I want you to download this app. It helps with identificationuntil you’re sure what you’ve found. Obviously, there’s reading materials I’ll want you to look over, too.”

“Okay, I can do that.” Bending lower to get my phone from my bag, Cal’s waist leans away from my head. Guess I used that crotch trick too many times. He issonot into me. Disappointment rips through my chest for a moment, but I try not to let it show. As I tap through my screen, Cal observes over my shoulder. His nearness causes tingles to erupt down my neck.

“But remember, mushrooms can’t be trusted.”

Flipping my red hair, I turn to look at him with a question on my face.

“They’re notorious forstalking.” The tension between his eyes eases as he snorts a little laugh, and I join him with my loud one, my lungs vibrating with joy. I love it when we play. Seeing him carefree is a rarity, but makes me think there’s a lot more to him.

Answering with my own joke, I say, “Didn’t anyone ever tell you mushroom puns are insporetaste?”

The grin on his face broadens until my stomach does back flips. An urge to run my fingers through his hair overwhelms me. “I didn’t use to like mushroom puns, but they’re starting to grow on me.”

“Ha! I thought you were a fun-gi. And here you are making?—”

“Miss Jane Ersatz?” A deep voice crackles through the store, startling both of us with quick jolts. Cal and I turn to the front door where two uniformed police officers stand with their hands on their gunned belts.

Clenching my teeth, I nod and ask, “Yes?”

Not even trying to be discreet about who owns him,the one with a red bull pendant blazing on his uniform approaches with a confidence he shouldn’t have. Not for being in the wrong territory. His partner, nondescript, probably new, stands near the door, guarding it from entering customers.

“Do you know William Patte?” The man’s face curls into a sneer with the name.

Forcing my muscles to settle, I only open my mouth in reply. “Yes.”

“You were the last known contact he had.”

Shaking my head, I ask, “I-I’m sorry,were?”

“His body was found in his apartment early this morning. A neighbor called it in from the stench and…mess. I’m told you were seen leaving there last Tuesday evening in a hurry.”

A cough exits my open mouth as I gasp. The butterflies that had been swirling in my stomach from flirting with Cal are suddenly replaced with worms twisting, nausea rising up my throat.