My pulse races, brow crinkling. “Who? Donovan’s?”
“No.” Enunciating the word slowly with his tongue, he replies, “Herodius.”
Trying to remember where I had heard the name, I recall Dot discussing the organization in a briefing. “The Owls, a group of women reportedly controlling Strauss’s movements.”
The furrow between his eyes lessens. “Yes.Yourpeople.”
“They aren’tmypeople. But I do know some things about them from my briefings.Youwere my mission, so I wasn’t as privy to the information, but I will gladly tell you everything I know. Either they or Strauss alone peddled me as a sexual slave when I was seven or eight years old. Even if you think I’m an agent of theirs, understand that I want revenge. They deserve to be ended.” Sitting up as much as I can, I stare him down with as much scrutiny as he gives me. “I willhelpyou, Cal. If you want me here as your sex puppet, hey, that’s fine by me. My heart is yours. It always has been. I will tell you everything I know.”
For a long while, I think he’s going to comfort me, place his warm hands on my body once again. Instead, he twists suddenly and tugs at his hair and mutters, “Everyone lies.” A ding on his phone stops his frantic struggle as he pulls it out and glances at the message. “Your stuff is here. You live here now. The only way I can protect myself is to keep you with me.”
“Good.” My lips lift into a wide grin. I’m not sure if I’ve ever felt as happy as I do after hearing him saying those words. I’m Cal’s now and I’m safe with him. This is exactly where I want to be.
Under a watchful eye, he lets me dress and use the bathroom by myself, but then places soft wrist handcuffs on me, leading me to his dining room. Von Dovish manor is so fancy, I feel underdressed in my everyday jeans and blue T-shirt, soft wool moccasins on my feet. The drugs have faded and I’m feeling tired and sober. Finally hungry, especially as we round the corner and the food smells waft toward us, causing my stomach to squeeze in anticipation.
As if it’s some luxury prison, he pulls my chair out and hands me a metal spork to eat the meal laid before me on fancy China plates. Waving the cloth napkin in the air, he spreads it over my jeans on my lap. A glass of red wine and another of ice water sit next to the dish of braised beef and mashed potatoes. The sight of the juices running around the plate, mixing with the pile of carbs, is enough to make me ravenous. He has what looks to be some sort of meat substitute in front of him. Despite being so starved I could gnaw off my arm, I try to remember my manners, waiting for him to seat himself.
“Ladies first,” he says, nodding at my food. I don’t hesitate and dig in, despite struggling with my cuffs.
“Mmm, this isdelicious!” With my mouth full, I gasp as I ask, “Why don’t you eat meat? You’re missing out!”
His fork pauses as he raises it to his mouth. “I can’t. Not after…”
“Ah.” Suddenly, I’m very sorry for bringing up our shared memory, the images of the blood coming to my mind. It’s not enough to deter me in the slightest from the food sitting in front of me, and I scoop up anotherhuge bite, closing my eyes at the deliciousness. Despite that, I stare at my plate in silence.
As if sensing my reticence, he interrupts, “I mean, yeah,thathad a lot to do with it, but, um… There’re things I’ve done, V, that made me realize what kind of meat we all contain. And it’s difficult for me to push those visions from my brain.”
“Like cutting off toes and fingers?”
Chewing slowly, he finally nods. “Yes.” The way he says it so flatly gives me a sense he is also thinking about other times, too.
“A-are you going to cut me up, too? I just ask ’cause…” This time, I wait until I’ve swallowed my bite. “’Cause if you’re going to kill me, would you do it quick?”
A fierce look comes over his face as he snaps his eyes to mine. “Depends, I suppose. On how many lies you tell.” Could he not see how much I’m on his side when he was inside me? Maybe he could, and now that he’s not, he’s worried again. I don’t know how to fix this. Cal clears his throat and pushes his chair back. “After you finish up here, I’m taking you to meet your makers.”
My meal suddenly forms a hard knot in my stomach. “And you think my crew is?—"
“Move.” With a little push between her shoulder blades, V stumbles toward the half stone wall on the west side of Strauss’s property. She hasn’t made a move to run, but if she did, I’m sure whomever her owners are would pick her up, which she doesn’t seem to want. In her mind, I’ll be more benevolent than them.
I consider which pieces of her I’d keep. Breasts, pussy… Her eyes, for sure.
“The restraints aren’t necessary,” she says with obvious chagrin.
Part of me hates the fact I put her in a straitjacket, knowing what she’s gone through. Remembering how I found her that first time makes me violently ill and feel like a sick bastard for doing this to her.
The other part of me wants to keep my head on my neck.
As we near the meeting spot at the edge of the woods, I check for the blips from FLAIR, but there arenone. Vera shivers from head to toe as her head tilts back, gazing at the bowl of stars above us.
“You know, for someone who claims they are always hot, you seem cold most of the time.” For a moment, she stares straight in front of her, and I almost think she didn’t hear me.
“Maybe that’s just what I’ve always told myself to get through my training. Maybe I am cold natured.” A side of her lips kicks up. “Huh. I guess I learned something about myself.”