Page 48 of Rawest Venom

“Ah, yes. Wakey, wakey.” By the time I get to the second level, she’s moaning. Blood rushes to my cock as the pulsations of her pleasure pierce my ears through my headphones. When I press level three, I close my eyes and listen to the symphony she makes until I need to free myself from the restrictions of my jeans.

After I do, I press level four while stroking my cock. This time, she’s gyrating off the bed, panting. My rhythm intensifies with every movement she makes. Without even reaching the top level, my doll comes loudly with a scream. “Cal!” I explode in my hand, then take some cum and wipe it on her face, the glass of the monitor the only separation between us.

Flipping through the settings, I hit level one again, and she settles, but continues to pull against her restraints. I save screenshots of her to a protected folder, texting Delta the location.


I’m on it, sir.

It’s time for lunch and my puppet needs her nourishment, especially if she wants to live. Filling a bottle with a protein shake, I head to the basement bedroom I had made for her. It’s not a throne room but will be once I get her to admit the truth. Her confession will foretell my coronation.

Entering the room, her wild green eyes snap to mine from the bed she’s tied to, flames of red hair a spectacle spread across the pillow. She’s bound with a complex set of wires, able to move about somewhat, but not able to escape. Even a spy like her should be controlled with the drugs I’ve given her.

“Cal! Did you put a dildo in me?” The buzz of the vibrator pauses when I click it off, then I flash the phone’s screen at her.

“Yep. And I came on that one, too.” Setting herbottle on the bedside table, I shove my hands in my pockets and try to hold back my smile. It’s impossible and it breaks free. I’m pretty proud of myself for this setup.

“I have to pee!”

“Then go. Use your diaper.” My hand waves to her lower half to show her.

Shifting her hips around on the bed to feel the fabric, she squirms while whining, “You put a diaper on me? Cal! I can’t use that!”

“Sure, you can. Show me how regressed you are for me, puppet. How needy. You can’t do anything without me. I even brought you a bottle. See?” Placing one knee near her chest, I lean over and hold up the bottle for her. Her arms dangle at her sides, suspended from the ceiling by the marionette lines.

“Y-you want me to drink from a bottle?”

“Shh. Puppets don’t talk unless instructed. Drink your lunch.”

“It’ll just make me have to go more.”

“Good. I’ll keep filling you with water until you use that diaper and show me how desperate you are.” Tilting her chin up toward me with one finger underneath, I place the nipple near her lips. She parts her mouth for the drink and sucks, keeping her bright eyes focused on mine. Watching her devour the liquid, her throat bobbing with every swallow, little bits coming out of the corners of her mouth… I’m raging hard again. Especially when the acrid smell of urine lets me know she’s wet herself. Reaching down with my free hand, I feel the fullness and warmth between her legs. Her diaper is heavy, soaking, and squishing between her thighs. Groaning with pleasure, I tell her, “That’s a good girl. Good girl for using your diaper. You can’t do anything for yourself, can you?”

Her head shakes as she continues to ingest the shake.

“You need me to take care of you, don’t you?”

She nods with a whimper, her bashful eyes relaxing with every swallow.

“Just a little helpless doll that needs feeding and changing…”

Leaning over, I place a kiss on the top of her head. Fuck, seeing her under my complete control, a true agent of mine. It’s all I’ve ever wanted. Finally, I’m her puppet master. Knowing I’ve subdued my enemy to pissing herself, depending on me for her very life… I may have to jerk off on her face to stop the throbbing in my cock.

Once she’s finished eating, I place the bottle next to her on the bed.

“Now, before I clean you up, I need to take some pictures for your handlers. They also need to see what sort of state you’re in. How helpless you are.”

“Dot? Donovan’s people?” Her widened eyes dart to mine.

I laugh, then snap a few pictures with my phone of her splayed on the bed, filled diaper, and bottle by her side. “No, puppet. Your actual handlers. And you’ll still be here until you admit who they are.”

“Cal, please. You don’t need to do all of this. Iwantto be on your side. I told you who I work for. I don’t work for Strauss or Freidenberg.”

“No, you don’t.” Setting to work cleaning her up, I remove the dildo and she rolls her eyes like a child, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. She tries to keep her knees locked tight, but I pry them open, then wipe her down, using a soft towel to dry her carefully.

“You don’t need to do all of this. I’m not going anywhere. They’ll kill me. And if you’re going to kill me, it would be a better death to live my last moments with you.”

Inside the nightstand drawer is a pacifier, which I snatch and shove into her mouth so I don’t have to listen to her lies. Lifting her by her ankles, I finish swaddling her with another cloth diaper in peace, fixating it with Velcro straps. As I wipe down her toy, I stand near her head as she observes all my actions with interest. “Do you want something else to soothe you?” Palming the erection bulging against my jeans, I raise my eyebrows at the question.