When I round the wide corner, the walls lead me to a neon painted staircase up to a second story. There’s no other way to go. Climbing them, the wooden soles of my shoes clang against the metal with every step and a black door waits for me at the top of a small landing. Pushing it open reveals a fake movie set, like a haunted house grand foyer.
The walls are a dark gray wood, and every cornercontains cotton webs with large plastic spiders nestled within. I’m on a second story U-shaped balcony overlooking an entryway with a large chandelier lit by hundreds of plastic candles. Piped through speakers are sounds of squeaking boards and rushing wind. Around the upstairs are several wooden doors. On the far side of where I stand is a narrow red-carpeted staircase leading down toward a stained-glass front door.
It dawns on me there have been no other guests in this house of horrors. No one jumping out to scare me. No children playing and running around. The money… Did Cal pay for this? Is this all a setup for me?
As I wander through the upper hall, I decide to head down the stairs to the first floor again, closer to a possible exit. If I understand my bearings correctly, the front door possibly leads back to the spinning room and Cal. Instead, I turn under the balcony where two large, arched doorways lead to an unknown room.
Opening one set, I step into a very wide hall where every surface is hung with a creepy portrait. All the eyes follow me as I enter and scan the area, trying to find an escape route. The overwhelming number of textures and colors and items within the room makes it uncomfortable to even be in, let alone try to find a way out.
“There you are.”
My breath catches as I hear the muffled voice behind a mask. Before I even look, my legs sprint to the right, discordant laughing vibrations echoing around me. This time, he’s not being slow. Heavy footfalls let me know he’s had enough of the chase.
As the end of the hall looms closer and closer, Irealize…there’s no door. Or if there is one, I don’t see it. Panic floods my senses, a quivering rush of adrenaline and overwhelming fear dying for an escape. Just as I consider grabbing a painting off the wall to smash it on his head, I spot a crevice between several of the frames that could be a way out. Yes! A doorknob appears from one of the noses of a general looking man with his hand tucked into his jacket. Snagging it, I pull and throw it open, running inside with Cal right on my heels.
A boom greets me as Cal slams the door behind us, my pulse rapidly accelerating, causing my chest to ache. Frantically, I search the shiny room for a way out, but everywhere I look, I’m met with an image of a horrified girl in pigtails. Instead of portraits, the round room is surrounded by mirrors. Glass mirrored floor, ceiling, walls…
He’s everywhere. Each reflection toys with my sanity as the blue lights of the fox appear to surround me, no matter which way I move. There’s only the dull thud of his footsteps rebounding off every surface repeatedly, the buoys making any coherence I had fly out of my brain. Blood rushes through my arteries, my vision blurs, and my breathing skips to a halt. There’s no way out.
I’m trapped.
Turning to feel a wall for some help, my fingers grasp at only the smooth glass, clutching at nothing, the marks from my sweaty palms leaving trails of terror down its surface. A firm arm wraps tightly around my waist as his forceful hand grips my neck. The violent scream wrenched from my throat almost shatters theroom, the sound abruptly cut off when he squeezes my voice box.
Even when I try to twist in his grasp, he powerfully slams my back against a mirror, with his firm body pinning mine in place. The mask is horrifying up close with its demonic angles, and the irritating hum of the lights flickering in the eyes and ears makes me shiver. Forcing his face close to my neck, he grips my waist and shoves himself harder against me. And he is hard. Everywhere.
“So proud of you for making a choice. Now, another decision you need to make. Are you a good girl, or are you a whore? Do you just open yourself up for anyone?”
A tiny whimper of a reply escapes through my closed lips. He means Larry, right? Does he mean Larry?
“You’re acting like you don’t want this, but…” Shifting so his one gloved hand splays against my throat, his other delves underneath my full skirt, trailing up my bare thigh. The catch of the leather on my skin causes me to shudder involuntarily with anticipation. Cal lets out a breathy laugh. Reaching my thong, he pauses. “If I weren’t wearing this glove, would your wetness coat my fingers, Jane?”
When I don’t say anything, the fox eyes raise to stare at my face. “Let’s find out.” Pressing himself into me, I lean back against the wall as he removes his gloves, letting them fall to the floor. His hand comes back up to my neck, but this time, his thumb holds my jaw until I’m forced to gaze into his mask as if I would have to kiss that metal mouth. Before I contemplate if he wants meto do so, a shocking pain hits my legs as he slaps my thighs apart with his other hand. “Open wide.”
The warmth of his fingers is a comfort compared to the harsh glove. Each crawls up toward my center until he rubs against the outside of my thong. “Oh, youarewet. You’re fucking soaked.” Shoving the fabric aside, he deftly finds my clit, rubbing gently, easily at first. Like he’s played my tune before and I’m his favorite instrument. Teasing me until my hips jut out from the wall to grind slightly on the pad of his finger. Blue lights illuminate my face as I do.
Edging one digit near my entrance, he holds there, the heel of his palm pressing more firmly into the apex, almost the way I do it for myself. I’m dripping with want, but he doesn’t move. Thrusting forward, my hole gathers his finger up so his hand provides the friction I need to calm the need deep inside me.
The mask shines blue into my eyes and, somehow, the more I stare into it, the more it transforms from something devilish to desired, until I grip the sides of his face, forcing my mouth to its tiny slit. A little breath blows onto my lips as I sink them around the plastic, letting my tongue feel around with desperation.
I’m wanton. He’s got me right where he wants me, and I want to fuck his hand while tonguing his mask like a complete freak.
Adding a second finger, Cal pumps me vigorously, perfectly, as if I were a sequence he programmed to respond to him alone. His other hand leaves my neck and wraps around to my bare ass cheek, gripping me closer to him. Straddling his palm, I hump it vigorouslyuntil an intense orgasm builds within my core. Whimpers and moans vibrate the surface of his fox face as I continue to make out with it.
Everything gives way to ecstasy as my release rips through my body, back arching off the mirror, pussy clenching around his long, talented fingers, a shriek now erupting from my mouth with pleasure instead of terror. Before I even realize what’s happening, Cal opens his fly, and I feel the head of his thick cock press against my pussy lips and erupt hot ropes of cum all over the skin there, the amount barely contained by the crotch of my thong.
Rubbing our juices into the fabric, he tugs them down my hips. “Step out.” As I do, my stomach flips when I catch sight of Cal’s semi-hard, oversized cock. It’s beautiful. But the thought of fitting it inside of me makes the fear return.
Gathering up my underwear, he presses into my throat with his forearm and commands, “Open wide.” I do, and he shoves the lace saturated with our juices inside my mouth. It’s bitter and salty with a smell of us mixed together. Swallowing, I taste some of what he left behind. Embarrassingly, I want more.
Righting himself and zipping up, he takes a step back as I stand still against the mirror, ashamed that my clit pulsates under his inspecting gaze while I suck down our cum. Some saliva oozes out from the corners of my mouth. Shoving the sides of my cape off my shoulders, he tears the top of my tank down until my bra is exposed.
“Turn around.” As soon as I spin, he rips off mybra, letting it hit the floor. My breasts bounce out, nipples hard as the air caresses my bare skin. The mirror reflects my disastrous image. Pigtails askew, cheeks flaming with humiliation, doused thong sticking out of my open mouth. “Let me see.”
As I face him again, the fox mask eyes my nipples, which heighten to their full arousal. Then, he says the worst thing… “Let’s go.”
“Wha—” comes out, muffled by the gag in my mouth.
“March.” With a hand on the small of my back, he guides me toward a door I hadn’t seen hidden within the wall. Leading me through a black painted hallway, I spot a red neon exit sign above a glass door. A small shove pushes me into the night’s air.