Page 21 of Rawest Venom

“If you get too cold, we’ll go in early.”

As if she’s locked in a trance, she takes a long time to respond. When she does, her voice comes out breathy and timid. “Oh, I won’t. I want to do this.”

Dropping one of her hands, I keep the other and guide her toward the woods. The two of us silently take in the crisp winter air and the spackling of starlight above us in silence. It’s a good night, clear. We barely need flashlights for hunting.

Closer to the trees, I explain how to look for the areas most likely to have the mushrooms and what dangers to watch out for. Holding back some low branches for her, I tug her gently through a thicket and point to a log for her to step over.

“They like the warmer sides of these logs. Like moss. See here.” Kneeling, I point out some that are too young to harvest. “Psilocybe cubensis.These like humidity. They’re subtropical by nature, but will grow on cow dung, sawdust, or rich soils.” Flashing my phone at them, I point out a few budding sprouts.

“I see them!” She leans a bit closer and takes a sniff.

“They don’t really smell?—”

“Oh, I, um…” A little laugh escapes her as she raises up. “I just like the smell of the dirt. Weird, I guess.”

A tight knot forms inside my stomach and twists as she says it. My eyes latch onto her inquisitive gaze for maybe too long. Is that true? Does she like the earth? Her confession startles me.

But before I can speak, she asks, “You mix these with another species, though, right? Or get different ones?”

Clearing my throat, I stand and help her up. “Uh, yeah. There’s another one called Penis Envy.”

Rushing through the still air, her giggle waves out like the ocean, and it causes my cheeks to puff up with a smile. And my cock to feel some comfort of the candidness. A sound so intoxicating, it makes me glad I didn’t dose tonight. “Penis Envy?”

“Ha, yeah. A contact of mine grows it. We’ve relied on his benevolence for a while, but I’m looking to get into that strain on our own. It’s our most popular product to ship out inside the computers to the families in other cities. Of course, it’s popular among West Side residents, too.”

“Well, with a name like that, I’d say so.” Tossing her hair over her shoulder, my fingers itch to gather some up, to remember exactly what it feels like on my palms. But, as usual, they’re too sweaty around her. Swallowing, I inhale the dampness thickening the atmosphere, using the moisture to wet my throat for what I need to say. It’s time.

“I have to tell you something, Jane.” Without a glance at her, my body leads us to where I know a family of fallen logs rests near the frozen creek bed.

“Yeah?” She pushes back some pine branches.

“I feel like I’m going to get in trouble if I tell you this…” I hate how nervous I feel. “But we’re outside of work, and this is personal, not business.”

She skips past some twigs and glances at me as we near a clearing. “What is it?”

Turning her so we face one another, I brush back some hair that’s fallen into her face, drop her hand, and tug my hat down lower over my ears. I don’t know why, but they’re so hot. “This isn’t necessary for any advancement and there’re no strings… I just. Hmm, how do I put this?”

Shifting her weight from foot to foot, she crosses her arms, waiting. If I could see her eyes, it may be easier to ask. But she stares at the ground.

“Would you like to go out with me sometime? On a date? Obviously, saying no is not…” Finally, she lifts her big eyes to me. There’s a little fear behind them, so I try to make my voice steady and clear. “This has absolutely nothing to do with your job.”

Her body relaxes as her face brightens into a wide grin. “Yes. I would love that, Cal.” Placing her small hand back in mine, I squeeze it gently, all the tension in my stomach easing.

“Great. I know the perfect place. How about tomorrow night—” Slamming my free hand to my forehead, I quickly say, “Oh, wait. You have that other date.”

She grimaces. “I’d much rather go out with you, but I shouldn’t bail on him this late in our plans. But I’m free all next week!”

Interesting. Well played, Jane… “Sure, sure.” Attempting to make my voice sound peppier than I feel, I ask, “Since you are such a popular gal, how about next Wednesday?”

“Yes. Definitely.”

With a wave of my arm, I showcase some fallen tree trunks near the old creek bed. “And here we are.”

A gasp leaves her mouth as she spies the area. The branches above create a romantic canopy, stars dotting the sky twinkling as if putting on a show for us. Moonlight hits the water and wanders over to the shore where a perfect circle of logs surrounds budding wildflowers. White caps glow underneath the fallen trees like snow. We kneel together and pull out my phone to flash the light on them for closer inspection.

“And if you’re ever in doubt, use this app to scan them. It’ll identify the species.” Holding up my screen, I show her the program. We pull some and place them in the baggies I brought in my pocket. After going over some more tips and tricks, we head back to the car without any difficulty.

“Thanks for showing me all this tonight,” she says, warming her hands on the vents in the car. Since she’s sohot natured.