Gentle fingertips brushagainst my forehead. The first thing I realize is I’m sober. And I’m awake, which means I must have slept.
Peeking an eye open, I spot a face similar to mine, except tears fill her golden gaze. “You’re not well, Cal.”
Smirking, my voice is hoarse as I answer her. “Does that mean you aren’t, either?”
“Alpha and Echoes were worried. They called me. How much have you been using?” Her hands continue to brush my hair off my face. It’s nice. Like when I was sick with the flu as a child and Mother made me soup herself, not letting Monet touch a thing. She always did like it when she could take care of me.
“Too much, obviously.” Sitting up, my arms stretch as my twin stands and arches her back. Eyeing her stomach, I finally see some signs of life growing within her. “Mama bear instincts already kicking in, I see.”
She smiles and rubs her belly. “Yeah, I think so. But I also just love my brother and worry about him. You weren’t yourself at dinner the other night.”
“What time is it?”
“It’s two.”
My brow furrows. “What day?”
Livia sighs pointedly, placing a hand on her hip. “Cal…it’s Thursday.” Her hair’s grown out, and she’s started wearing headbands and less of that junk on her face. The large purple sapphire looks heavy on her bony finger, our mother’s ring. No more leather pants. It’s leggings and an oversized hooded sweatshirt now. She’s domesticated.
“Thank you, Mrs. Freidenberg. I’ll take it from here.”
“Monet cooked tofu steak for lunch. She says it’s delicious.” Before I can protest that lie, she says, “Okay, she said it was shit, but you’d eat it to spite her.”
I must have passed out in my clothes again. As I head toward the bathroom, I peck a kiss on my sister’s cheek. “I love you and thank you for checking on me.” Turning before I close the door on her, I say, “But if you bust into Von Dovish estate unannounced again, the guards will have to kill you.”
Livia gasps and picks up a pillow and throws it at me as I laugh, slamming the door shut.
By that evening, Jane texts me her address with a smirking emoji, as if I don’t already know where it is. Despite claims of being hot natured, she’s dressed in a puffy overcoat with jeans tucked into fur-lined boots. A bright green knitted hat lets some of her flaming red hair escape underneath it.
She reaches out a hand to open the passenger door when the Tesla pulls to the curb, but I quickly lock it. Jumping out, I cross around the front of the car to her arched eyebrow, then place my palm on the handle until the vehicle opens. With a wave of my hand, I help her inside.
“Thank you. You’re a gentleman.”
Sliding back into my cushioned seat, I tap on the control panel and punch in the next location. “What’s your music preference?”
“Um…I-I like everything. What do you like?”
Clenching my jaw, my eyes gather hers in a tight embrace. “Classical.” Pulling up Mussorgsky’s “Bydlo,” the car takes off toward the park.
“Do you play any instruments?” she asks. Fiddling with her coat’s zipper, her face finds mine, illuminated by the blue lights of the console.
“Piano and cello. Doyou?”
Rubbing a palm down her jeans, her voice comes out quick and breathy. “No. I never learned.” She does a nice job of acting nervous around me.
“Were you more into the performing arts, then?”
Her red hair falls over her shoulder as she snaps her head to me. “No. Why do you say that?”
Taking the tip of my forefinger, I tap the end of her freckled nose. “’Cause you’ve been acting up in my dreams.” Jane snorts a loud laugh, and I chuckle in response, but the sound is drowned out by the euphonium rising in crescendos to the music. “I see you took my advice and dressed warmly.”
She nods, then spots my hands on my lap. “No gloves for you?”
“No, I don’t like to wear them when foraging. I want to make sure I have a good feel for the flora. I’ll teach you.”
As the car pulls into the parking lot, she reaches for the door, but before she can open it, I reach across and slam it closed, giving her a warning look. Poison cloudsmy vision as I command her, “Stay.” Once again, I get out and open it for her. As her curves brush past my body, my cock pulsates with blood.
“Thank you, again, kind sir.” Her long black lashes flirt with me. Sliding a hand down her arm, I grasp her cold palm. Gathering her second one, I use my hip to close the car door, while rubbing her fingers together vigorously between my warm skin, blowing the heat from my breath on them. Frosted air curls around us.