Just that scar.
“He sounds successful and set for life,” I say, my voice taking on an edge. “So why would he want someone like me?”
“Morelli always wants more. And you would be an asset in the black market. Sold to a terrorist organization, maybe, to help with their technology. Or forced to marry one of his made men to keep you in the family. Hmm.” He cuts himself off, pretending to think. “Those are the best-case scenarios, of course. He could always keep you in a cage and take you out when he needs you.”
I refuse to let his words terrify me—yet. I can burrow under my covers later. “And what do you want with him?”
“He took something from me.” His tone is a venomous whisper that carries such hate, even the waves seem to hush. “Something I can never replace.”
It’s like my question flipped an off switch inside him. If I thought he was cold before … he’s barren now.
But I don’t look away. I can’t. Something about the raw intensity of his confession compels me to stay put despite the fear gnawing at my insides.
“And how does that involve me?” I ask, holding his gaze despite the very real urge to run away screaming.
He leans in, his lips brushing against my ear. “You are the key to my vengeance.”
“I can’t help you with that.” Desperation creeps into my voice.
A sudden gust of wind pushes against us, and I stumble. Hecatches me before I fall over the railing and pulls me into his arms. While my heart scrambles senselessly, I can feel his steady, unhurried pulse against my ear.
“You can. Start by not dying, for one.”
My hands latch onto his shirt, the soft fabric crimping between my fingers in an effort to both clutch him and push him away.
“Please,” I whisper against his chest, my body starting to shiver. “I don’t want this. I didn’t ask for it. Just—take the thumb drive. Take it and give it to them. I need both you and him toleave.”
He stills. I can’t tell if he’s staring over my head at the ocean in thought or looking down, watching me. “Then give it to me.”
Trembling, I slink out of his hold. He steps back, and I’d like to think it’s giving me space, but my survival sense has kicked in, and I’m fairly sure it’s so he can take all of me in one bite.
Even though I’m clenching and releasing my hands in an effort to stop them from shaking, they flutter like panicked bait for the predator in front of me as I reach into the V of my shirt.
You brought him here, you idiot.What did you think would happen? A happy exchange of peace before he exits my life forever?
“I’m waiting.”
His voice is a terrifying caress while his eyes, so empty and light at the same time, target my chest.
My fingers brush against the skin-warmed metal of the thumb drive, and I pull it out of my shirt, holding it out to him. The wind whips around us, my hair tangling into my face, but I don’t dare make the sudden move to tuck it behind my ear. His mask never shifts as he takes the thumb drive from my hand, his fingers brushing mine in the process.
I harden my muscles against the shiver that wants to ignite my blood at our skin-to-skin contact. And I pay particularattention to the fact that a man like this, honed in black and carved with muscle, metal and skill, now holds a pink and whiteHello KittyUSB drive in his considerably scarred hand.
He tucks the thumb drive into his pocket but doesn’t leave. Instead, he becomes so motionless that my stomach does somersaults.
“Okay, so is that it?” I ask. “Are we done?”
He says nothing.
I step back, my ancestral lizard brain taking over and only wanting to get the hell out of here.
He reaches out and grasps my wrist, yanking me toward him.
“We’re not done yet,” he says.
I try to pull away, but his grip on me is too strong.
“Release me,” I say, my voice shaking.