“Well let’s take a look at these dresses then shall we?” I say with a forced smile, swallowing the lump in my throat. Part of me feels stupid for being angry at the situation when there are people dealing with much worse than this, but at the same time, Ilikebeing alone where there are no rules and I can be myself with no one to judge me. I built my life to be able to be alone and in control. The biggest reason I hate Grayson isbecause he took away the one thing I waited so long to have–Freedom.
Grayson and I spent the day shopping for some things I needed after Saks. It’s late afternoon and I’m exhausted, but it was a relief talking to Deirdra today, she’s nice. Not many women have ever been nice to me, I’ve never been great at making friends.
As we sink into the town car, Grayson’s intense gaze lands on me.
“I made reservations for dinner,” he says as we drive down the avenue, “we’re heading home, you’ll change before we go out.”
There’s a dark intensity in his eyes as if he expects me to protest. He probably is, it’s all I’ve done since I met him and I gave him hell the entire day as we were shopping.
“Will do.” I drawl.
“And I want you to wear something black and form fitting.” he stares at me waiting for me to argue.
“Got it.” I say dryly. I can tell he’s trying to get a rise out of me but I’m just over it right now, I’m mentally exhausted.
“I want you wearing black lace lingerie underneath your dress too.” He glares at me.
“Okay listen motherfucker-“ I stop myself, realizing I’m giving him exactly what he wants. I straighten the scowl on my face and grit my teeth. “Yes sir.”
“Good girl.” He smiles darkly.
He’s annoying and he’s controlling, but at least he’s hot and I know I’m not going to die now. I’m a little more comfortable than I was before but he doesn’t need to know that. When I woke up with my hands and feet tied, I thought for sure I was in for a lot worse than this, so my anger is starting to wear off– not at him, I’m still angry at him– just the situation.
We pull up the winding driveway and head into the house. I make my way up the stairs and to the master bedroom to shower and get dressed. I took full advantage of our shopping trip today and got the most expensive makeup and hair products I could. If he’s going to force me to be here I may as well reap the benefits of being a mob wife.Ew. Wife.I’m going make him hate me as much as I hate him. He’ll hate me so much he’ll be begging me to leave.
I’m waiting in the foyer as I hear the click of Rowan’s red heels down the marble steps. She looks absolutely stunning in a short, black, long sleeve dress with her hair falling effortlessly on her shoulders. Her tall, thin figure radiating with sheer elegance. A protective feeling is stirring inside me as I look at her. I almost don’t want to take her out where other men will have their eyes on what’smine.As tough as she tries to act, there's an innocence about her that makes me want to do everything to protect her– a softness inside her that she can’t hide.
“You look beautiful Mrs. Santoro.” I say, looking her up and down.
“Fuck off.” She flips me off, walking right past me and out the front doors where the car is parked.Let the games begin, Row.
When I reach her at the car, I lean my hands against the passenger side door on either side of her and my eyes narrow.
“Listen, you don’t have to like it here or like me, but youwilllearn to respect me, darling. I’m keeping you safe but it doesn’t mean I have to be nice. I’m choosing to be. I could keep you locked up in a bunker and chained to a wall like I have your father but I chose to let you intomy homeinstead. Now this is the last warning I’m going to give you. Watch. Your. Fucking. Mouth.”
She looks down at the ground and I can tell she wants to snap back at me but she’s afraid to. Sheshouldbe.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you Rowan.” I demand, grabbing her chin. “Get in the car, we’re going to be late.” I say, releasing her.
I open the car door for Rowan and she sinks into the leather seat of my black SUV, crossing her arms like a pouty teenager. She’s a brat. If I had her chained up in the bunker I’d bet she wouldn’t act like this.Or if I had her chained to my bed.
The ten minute drive to the restaurant was completely silent. She stared out the window and even rolled her eyes at me when I sneezed. We enter the five star establishment and aregreeted by a pale young woman with sleek black hair at the hostess stand. She leads us to a large, dimly lit, secluded booth in the back corner of the dining area. It’s where I usually sit with my brother to discuss the family business.
“Your server will be with you in a moment.” She says with a smile and walks away. Almost immediately, our server arrives at our table. He’s a younger blonde, college-aged kid. He looks athletic but not built, and he fucking wreaks of cheap body spray.
“Welcome! What can I get you guys started with? We have thirty craft beers on tap, as well as a full list of housemade wine on the back of the menu.” He says.
I look over at Rowan and notice she’s gawking at our waiter. So that's her type huh? Blonde frat boys. Not too far off from Brenden.
“What doyourecommend from the wine menu?” Rowan asks him with her chin resting on the palms of her hands like a girl who has her first crush. Why is this making me sofucking angry.
“I recommend our house merlot, it pairs nicely with the veal.” He answers, holding her gaze.
“Sounds like you have good taste in reds, I’ll do the merlot.” She says to him, her lips curling up into a flirtatious smile.I’m going to lose my shit if she doesn’t wipe that look off of her face.
“I’ll do a Maker’s Mark, neat.” I tell him while reaching for Rowan’s thigh under the table.