Tiberius nodded, his expression hardening. “Gather the team. We’ll strategize and implement countermeasures immediately and verify all our previous plans are finished.” His gaze met Simone’s, a silent question in his eyes.
She understood his unspoken query. “The biocircuit integration could give us an edge,” she said, her mind already whirring with possibilities. “If we can enhance the remaining Iron Wolves, their reaction times and combat capabilities would increase exponentially.”
Tiberius’s features softened ever so slightly, a glimmer of pride flickering in his eyes. “You’re certain the procedure is ready for widespread implementation?”
“I’m as sure as I can be with you as our only data point.” She shrugged. “We’ve ironed out the kinks, and the fusion reactor is stable. With your team’s skills combined with cybernetic enhancements, we’ll be an unstoppable force, but it should be voluntary.”
Brick shifted, his expression a mix of curiosity and alarm. “You want to turn us into cyborgs, doc?”
Simone met his gaze steadily. “Not cyborgs, per se. More like...augmented humans. The biocircuit interface integrates seamlessly with your biological systems, enhancing your natural abilities without compromising your humanity.”
Tiberius nodded, his jaw set with determination. “Brick, assemble the team in the briefing room. We’ll go over the details and address any concerns.”
As Brick departed, Tiberius turned to Simone, his eyes burning with an intensity that sent a frisson of electricity through her veins. “You ready for this?”
She reached out, her fingers brushing his arm, the contact sending a jolt of energy through her circuits. “Yes.” Her voice was laden with conviction and something deeper, more primal.
Tiberius held her gaze for a heartbeat longer before giving a curt nod. “Then let’s get to work. The Sventian Scourge won’t know what hit them.” Side by side, they strode from the office, their steps in sync.
THE BRIEFING ROOM HUMMEDwith a taut energy as Simone addressed the assembled Iron Wolves. Tiberius stood at her side, his presence a reassuring bulwark against the weight of the situation.
“I know this is a lot to take in,” she said, her voice carrying calm authority she deliberately infused, “But the biocircuit integration is our best chance against the Sventian threat.”
Izzy stepped forward, a holographic display flickering to life beside her. “The procedure involves integrating an advanced neural interface directly into your cerebral cortex.” Detailed schematics rotated in the air, illustrating the intricate technology. “This will allow seamless communication between your biological neurons and the cybernetic enhancements.”
A low murmur rippled through the mercenaries, their expressions ranging from curiosity to outright skepticism. Hawk, the team’s sharp-eyed sniper, raised a slender hand. “And these...enhancements? What exactly are we talking about?”
Simone’s lips curved into a faint smile. “Enhanced cognitive processing speeds, augmented senses, and increased strength and reaction times. With the fusion reactor powering the neural interface, you’ll be operating at peak human capacity...and beyond.”
Lancer, the team’s resident tech expert, leaned forward, his eyes alight with interest. “Essentially, we become...cyborgs?”
“Not quite,” said Tiberius, his deep voice commanding attention. “You’ll retain your humanity, your free will. The enhancements will amplify your existing abilities without compromising who you are.”
Doc, the team’s medic, frowned. “And the risks? We’re talking about rewriting our neural pathways here.”
Izzy’s fingers tapped across the holographic controls, pulling up a new set of schematics. “The biocircuit materials are bio-compatible, designed to integrate seamlessly with your biological systems. We’ve run countless simulations, and the procedure is as safe as we can make it.”
Silence hung heavy in the room as the Iron Wolves digested the information. Finally, Brick said, “If it means keeping this colony safe, I’m in.”
One by one, the others nodded their assent, their expressions hardening. All except Hawk, who remained still, her brow wrinkled. She exhaled slowly, her shoulders rising and falling. “I...need some time to think about this.”
Simone offered her a reassuring smile. “Of course. This is a big decision, and we want you all to be certain.” Her gaze swept over the assembled team. “Get some rest. We’ll begin the procedures at 0600 tomorrow on anyone who volunteers. This isn’t compulsory.”
THE MEDBAY THRUMMEDwith a focused energy as Simone and Izzy made the final preparations, converting one of the rooms to a makeshift lab to make the process go faster and smoother, since the lab wasn’t really equipped for conversions. They’d made it work with Tiberius due to necessity, but she wanted it to be easier this time with the number of conversions ahead of them. Banks of monitors cast a cool, blue glow over the sterile space, and the air carried the faint tang of disinfectant.
“Neural interface is online and synced,” said Izzy, fingers moving over the holographic controls. “Fusion reactor is primed and ready for power transfer.”
Simone nodded, her gaze sweeping over the assembled Iron Wolves. Brick, Lancer, and Doc lay on the bio-beds, their expressions stoic but all revealing some level of anxiety. Tiberius stood vigil, his presence a reassuring constant. Hawk had opted out, at least thus far.
“Initiating neural integration sequence,” said Simone, voice ringing with calm authority.
A series of soft whirs and clicks filled the air as the intricate machinery hummed to life. Simone watched, her heart accelerating as the neural interfaces extended hairline tendrils, delicately breaching the mercenaries’ skulls and interfacing with their cerebral cortices.
Brick tensed, his massive frame going rigid for a heartbeat before relaxing. “Whoa...” His voice held a note of wonder. “It’s like...my mind just expanded.”
Lance’s eyes widened, his gaze darting around the room with newfound clarity. “I can process everything so quickly. It’s...incredible.”
Doc remained silent, his expression one of intense focus as the integration sequence reached its crescendo.