Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they stepped back from the workbench, their faces flushed with exertion and triumph. Before them sat a sleek, compact device—a fusion of cutting-edge technology and ingenious design, a masterpiece that promised to revolutionize the field of human enhancement.
Simone reached out, her fingers tracing the contours of the device with reverence. “We did it,” she said, her voice thick with emotion. “We actually did it.”
Izzy slung an arm around her shoulders, her grin wide and infectious. “Of course we did,” she said, her tone brimming with pride. “You’re brilliant, Simone, and I’m not too shabby myself.”
Simone laughed, the sound bubbling up from deeply within her chest, a release of the tension and excitement that had been building all day. In that moment, she felt truly alive, her heart swelling with a sense of accomplishment and possibility.
As she gazed at the device, her mind raced with the implications of their breakthrough, the potential it held for not only their research but for the betterment of humanity as a whole, and yet, beneath it all, she couldn’t shake the thought of Tiberius, the memory of his touch, his kiss, and the way he had made her feel like the most cherished, most desired woman in the universe.
Warmth bloomed in her chest, a realization dawning that this—this perfect fusion of scientific discovery and human connection—was what she had been searching for all along. Anything was possible, and the boundaries of what they could achieve were limitless.
Chapter 5—Simone
THE NIGHT SEEMED TRANQUILas Simone lay beside Tiberius, his muscular arm draped over her waist. His deep, even breaths brushed against her neck, and she savored the warmth of his body next to hers. After months of suppressing her feelings, she had finally surrendered to the undeniable connection between them.
A deafening explosion shattered the stillness, the concussive force rattling the walls. Tiberius bolted upright, his combat instincts kicking in instantly. “Stay down.” he said harshly, rolling off the bed and snatching his sidearm from the nightstand.
Simone clutched the sheets to her chest, heart pounding. Through the window, flashes of light illuminated the night sky, followed by more thunderous blasts.
Tiberius pulled on his fatigues, movements swift and precise. “We’re under attack. Get dressed quickly.” His tone brooked no argument.
As Simone scrambled for her clothes, another explosion rocked the compound, closer this time. She stumbled, catching herself against the wall. “Who’s attacking us?”
His expression was grim as he looked at his comm, clearly communicating with one of his mercs. After a minute, he said, “The Sventian Scourge.” He tossed her a laser pistol. “Can you handle this?”
She nodded, her grip firm on the unfamiliar weapon. Together, they raced into the corridor, the air thick with smokeand the acrid smell of scorched metal. Chaos reigned in the command center. Alarms blared, and screens flickered with images of the colony under siege.
Izzy rushed toward them, her face streaked with soot. “Vorn Drekar’s forces breached the perimeter. They’re hitting us from all sides.”
“Casualties?” Tiberius’s voice was clipped.
“Too many to count.” Izzy swallowed hard. “The medbay’s overflowing.”
Her stomach churned, but she forced herself to remain focused. “What do they want?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Tiberius asked. “They want to plunder everything we have—our resources, our technology. That’s what the Sventians do.”
An explosion ripped through the far wall, showering them with debris. Tiberius shielded Simone with his body as chunks of metal rained down. “Get to the lab,” he shouted over the din. “Lock yourselves in and activate the security protocols.”
“I’m not leaving you.” Simone’s grip tightened on the pistol, her jaw set with determination.
Tiberius’s eyes bored into hers, a tempest of emotions swirling in their depths. “This is my fight, Simone. I need you safe.”
The thunderous boom of boots against the metal floor reverberated through the corridor. Her head whipped around, eyes widening at the sight of a towering figure striding toward them, flanked by a dozen heavily armed soldiers.
Tiberius tensed, his body coiled like a spring as he stepped in front of Simone. “Get behind me,” he said, the laser pistol gripped tightly in his hand.
Vorn Drekar, the notorious leader of the Sventian Scourge, sneered as he entered the room. “If it isn’t the greatTiberius Peña.” His piercing blue eyes swept over Simone with undisguised disdain. “And a pretty little scientist.”
Izzy inched closer to Simone, her fingers trembling as she clutched a datapad to her chest. “What do you want, Drekar?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Vorn’s cybernetic claw flexed menacingly. “I want everything you’ve built here—your resources and your technology. This pathetic colony is mine for the taking. Putting Peña in charge invited me here, since he’s the best.” His tone was mocking.
“I’ve beaten you before on Sylko 7, and I’ll do it again.” Tiberius’s jaw clenched, his muscles taut with barely restrained fury. “You’ll get anything from our home over my dead body.”
A cruel smile twisted Vorn’s lips. “That can be arranged.”
In a blur of movement, Tiberius launched himself at the Sventian leader, the two titans colliding with a bone-jarring impact. Laser blasts erupted around them as Vorn’s soldiers opened fire, forcing Simone and Izzy to dive for cover.