Which brought her back to her confession. “I never planned to be caught or used as a surrogate, so I didn’t follow the most basic law.” She notched up her chin as she met his black eyes. “I’m not a virgin.”
Zath didn’t seem surprised. “I suspected as much. It matters little. The modifications will ensure you are fertile.”
She frowned in confusion, deciding he had to know everything. “That’s not what I mean. I’m saying I’m not a virgin because I’ve had sex before.”
“I assumed that’s what you meant by not being a virgin.” He sounded almost amused.
She scowled. “It’s a big deal to you guys. The Faction treaty stipulates I’m supposed to remain a virgin until my term of service window ends at twenty-five.”
He shrugged. “How old are you?”
“Twenty-six, but I had sex when I was twenty-one.” She was defiant about it but also a little embarrassed now that she was telling him. Rich had been a fellow rebel, and she suspected she’d responded to his overtures more as a way to give the Faction the middle finger than because she’d truly wanted her fellow activist.
His mouth twitched. “If you had sex five years ago, I have no fear that you might be pregnant with a human child now, do I?”
“Uh, no.” She blinked, realizing he truly didn’t care. “You really don’t. Why?”
He shrugged. “I understand the reason for maintaining virginity in the human surrogates, but that experience is in your distant past. You aren’t pregnant with another’s child, so your womb is available to my seed. That’s what our agreement is—though I want much more than a proxy, as I said.”
Natalia was unsettled by his relaxed attitude. “I expected you to report me to the Faction Embassy or Earth government.”
“For what? Having consensual sex with a human male? I fail to see why that would be of interest to anyone.”
She gaped at him. “Are you serious? The treaty says—”
“It says human females must be virgins between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five.” He cocked his head. “I don’t care if you’ve had sex with every male on this planet before me. All I care about is that you are here with me now, and that you’ll bear my offspring.”
“I’m not sure if I should be relieved or insulted.” She folded her arms across her chest. “You act like it doesn’t matter that I’ve had sex before, but I’m pretty sure it does. Your Faction—”
Zath sighed, looking vaguely irritated. “Does not speak for me personally in all matters,vrash.”
“What doesvrashmean?” She frowned.
“It means female, but with a connotation of being a stubborn creature with a sharp tongue.” He looked amused. “I would not have chosen you if you were weak-willed or easily cowed. I admire your spirit, and I am proud to call you mine.”
Natalia was taken aback. “I’m not yours.”
“Yet,” he said with certainty. “Soon, you will be, but in the meantime, I am content to court you. I wish to win your heart, not your body alone.”
“You’re not going to try to force yourself on me?” She was still suspicious despite his words.
“No.” He looked disgusted. “I would never dishonor either of us that way. I seek a true mate, not avrushtato rut with and discard.”
She winced at the word, knowing it was an insult in the context, though she’d never heard it before. “I’m not a whore.”
“I know. You are a strong female, and I respect you. You’re loyal to your cause, and I understand that. Sex is a normal function, and I don’t consider you a whore or any other shaming word for indulging. I would have you willing and eager, or not at all.”
“Oh.” She was at a loss for words. “I don’t know what to say.” He was so different from what she’d expected.
“Say you will allow me to court you, and that you will consider becoming my mate when our year is complete.” His expression was earnest.
“I...yes, I will.” She didn’t know what else to say. It seemed the least she could do to repay his kindness, since he clearly wasn’t the cold beast she’d assumed him to be. He was multifaceted and alluring in his own way.
He smiled, revealing his fangs. “I am pleased. Thank you, Natalia.”
“You’re welcome.” She hesitated. “I shouldn’t ask, but...” She licked her lips, her core pulsing as she recalled what she’d seen moments before. “Do you really have two cocks?”
Zath’s eyes gleamed. “Yes. Would you like to see them?”