She blushed, pulling away. “I don’t know what I feel. Everything is so confusing. Can you give me time to sort it out?”

He nodded. “Of course. I won’t pressure you, but I hope you’ll consider my offer. I promise you won’t regret it.”

She gave him a tentative smile. “Thank you.”

He nearly groaned when her pink tongue flicked out to lick her plump lips. Imagining it swirling around one of his hemipenes while her hand massaged the other made him suddenly desperate for relief. “If you will excuse me...” Beating a hasty retreat, he rushed to his bedroom, closing the door behind him.

He stripped off his clothing, freeing his swollen hemipenes that had burst through the slits from the pouch where they normally nestled. One was already leaking precum, and he stroked it roughly, imagining it was Natalia’s soft hand instead. He hissed, stroking faster, and his other hemipene emerged, dripping copiously.

He gripped them both, rubbing them together, and imagined Natalia kneeling before him, her lush lips wrapped around his shafts. No, she’d only be able to take one at most, but her tongue could explore both. Her green eyes would gaze up at him, her cheeks hollowed as she sucked him.

Zath let out a strangled moan, coming hard with one hemipene and spurting his seed all over his hand. He shuddered, continuing to stroke even when the bedroom door opened behind him. He turned halfway toward her, his hemipenes in his hands, still pulsing and twitching as he climaxed from his second hemipene.

Natalia’s eyes widened, her face flushing with color. She stared for a long moment before turning and fleeing.

He cursed, quickly cleaning himself off and dressing. When he went after her, she was in her own room, the door closed. He knocked, and she answered, her expression unreadable.

“I’m sorry you saw that,” he said awkwardly. “I was overcome by the need—”

She interrupted, clearly trying to sound blasé, though she was flushing. “I’ve seen men masturbate before, at least from a distance.”

“You have?” He frowned. “Who?” He sounded angry, but he was simply alarmed by the idea of men so blatantly doing such a thing in a female’s presence.

“Men in the rebel camps. It’s not uncommon, especially in winter, when we’re cold and miserable.” She shrugged. “It’s hard to be discreet when there are many people surrounding you.”

“I see.” His unease settled, and he felt foolish. “I apologize for my reaction.”

She swallowed, looking fearful. “Look, you might as well know it now...” She swallowed, clearly gathering her courage as he held his breath, wondering if she was about to refuse all consideration of being more than his surrogate, or anything else. If she chose not to let him have access to her body, he’d already decided he wouldn’t enforce his right to do so. The truce didn’t give him justification to force her in his mind, and they would be roommates for the remainder of her proxy year.

The thought pained him, and he held his breath.

Chapter Three

WHY HAD SHE FOLLOWEDhim and then entered without knocking? He’d left so abruptly that she’d been concerned something was wrong with Zath, and it had felt natural to check on him. When had she started to care about his wellbeing?

Two cocks.Good lord, how was she supposed to handle that? She nearly fainted at the thought, comparing it to the one lackluster cock she’s taken a few times before. Rich couldn’t compare to one of his, let alone both.