He turned, his expression hardening as he shifted back into Alpha mode. He had a meeting to attend, decisions to make that would impact the pack and, by extension, Liza’s safety. He nodded to the guard stationed at the door, a silent command passing between them. The guard stiffened, his stance becoming more vigilant as Rylan passed by.
Elijah and Caleb stood just beyond his cabin, waiting for him. The three of them moved through the woods with a predator’s grace, the silence between them heavy with unspoken tension. When they arrived at the clearing, Micah and Celine were already waiting.
The older Alpha stood tall and imposing. Celine stood beside him, her gaze averted, her body language tense. Rylan’s heart twisted at the sight of her. She didn’t deserve this—to be pulled into something that wasn’t meant to be. She looked like she had already resigned herself to the outcome, and that only made Rylan feel worse.
“Rylan,” Micah replied with a nod, his expression unreadable.
Rylan turned to Celine, whose gaze was still fixed on the ground. “Celine, I can't begin to express how sorry I am to putyou through this. I found my fated mate last night. I never intended to hurt you.”
Celine finally looked up, her eyes meeting his for the briefest of moments before she looked away again. There was no anger in her gaze, only a quiet sadness and perhaps a touch of relief. “I understand, and I wish you well, Alpha.”
"Call me Rylan, please."
"Rylan," she conceded, then turned as if to leave, her shoulders stiff with the weight of the situation.
Her father reached out, stopping her with a hand on her arm. Celine paused, her back still to Rylan, her body tense.
Micah turned to Rylan, his eyes serious. “I still want to partner with your pack, Rylan. But I won’t make the mistake of arranging a marriage for my daughter. That was wrong, and I see that now.”
Rylan nodded, respect for the older Alpha growing in his chest. It wasn’t easy for a man like Micah to admit he was wrong, especially in front of another pack.
“I want to arrange a job for her instead. Celine is a talented artist, and she would be an asset to the new housing development.”
Celine bristled at her father’s words, her hands curling into fists at her sides. She still wouldn’t meet Rylan’s gaze.
She didn't need to. Rylan's role as Alpha was to ensure that everyone in his pack had a job. This was an easy solution. "I have no problem with this arrangement."
Celine finally met his gaze, her eyes searching his for a long moment before she gave a curt nod. “Fine,” she said, her voice cool, but there was a flicker of something in her eyes—maybe a spark of hope that she could carve out a place for herself that wasn’t defined by marriage or duty.
Micah held out his hand to Rylan. Rylan took it easily. This had worked out better than he'd expected. Faster, too. He wouldbe home in time to wake Liza from a nap with a kiss between her legs.
Without another word, Celine turned and walked away, her steps brisk and determined, her father following closely behind her. The tension in the clearing seemed to dissipate as they left, leaving behind a quiet that felt more peaceful than it had before.
Caleb stepped up beside Rylan. “You realize Liza is the interior designer on the project, right?”
Rylan blinked. And then blinked again as realization dawned. He had been so focused on the immediate issue of breaking off the engagement that he hadn’t even considered the conflict that was about to arise.
His mind raced, trying to figure out how to handle the situation, but there was no clear solution. Celine had agreed to the job, and he couldn't jilt her again. He'd simply talk to Liza and ask her to step aside. She was the Alpha's mate now. Like him, she would learn to put pack first.
Liza was too wiredto take a nap. Instead, she headed into the offices set aside for her and Maize. It didn't unnerve her that she had a guard following her. Instead, it made her feel cared for, cherished. Especially after what had happened to her sister.
She wasn't surprised to find Maize inside as well. Liza wanted to ensure that every detail of her interior design work captured the raw beauty and essence of the mountains that surrounded Moonridge. The towering peaks, the lush forests, the way the light filtered through the trees at dawn—all of it was inspiration for her. She wanted the interiors to reflect the closeness and warmth she had already felt from the shifters in the pack, the unspoken bond that tied them together like a family.
The moon, once just a distant celestial body, now held new significance for her. It was more than just a source of light; it was a symbol of connection, of destiny, of the mysterious forces that brought fated mates together. Liza wanted to weave that symbolism into her designs, incorporating elements that would catch the moonlight, casting glows across the rooms as a constant reminder of the magic that governed their lives.
She was excited to get started, to pour herself into every detail, from the texture of the fabrics to the curve of the furniture. Each piece would be chosen with care, every color palette thoughtfully selected to evoke the natural beauty of the mountains and the deep, abiding connection the pack shared.
She loved her job—loved the way it allowed her to express herself, to create something beautiful and lasting. But now, it meant even more. It was a way for her to contribute to the pack, to carve out a place for herself not just as Rylan’s mate but as an integral part of the community.
For the first time in a long time, she felt like she was exactly where she was supposed to be. The bond with Rylan was real, tangible. She got the sense she could feel him inside of her, not his thoughts, but his feelings. Right now there was worry coursing through the mating bond. He likely had been told she wasn't at home in his bed. It was something he would need to get used to. Liza had every intention of being a working woman. But she also planned to leave the office at 5 p.m. on the dot each day and not a second later.
She wanted to spend all of her spare time with her fated mate. She glanced at the clock now. It wasn't even lunchtime. But the end of the workday would be here soon enough. Now she would get down to work and show her new community what she was capable of.
“I still can’t believe it,” Liza said, her voice filled with wonder as she turned to Maize. “It’s like everything just clicked into place.”