Page 71 of Liam

Liam grunted. "So, that's it … you need tothink. That's what you're going with?"

Okay, now he sounded angry. He had every right to be mad at me. And hurt. Beneath the anger, I could hear it—I'd injured him. The very thing I'd been trying to avoid.

The call went silent.

He'd hung up on me.

I arrived home long after dinner was over and went straight to my room. I pulled open my bar fridge and as expected, there was a sandwich in there for me. I loved my family.

I closed my eyes to stop more tears from falling.

Liam had fit in so well with them. I had imagined many years of him sitting at that table with me. Images of when my grandparents were long gone, and my parents had taken their place.

I'd even imagined a child seated with us.

Tears spilled regardless of my guarding against them. They had snuck in on me, my feelings. I wiped my cheeks. The truth was I was falling in love with Liam.

I might even love him already.

My chest ached, so I placed my hand over my heart. I'd pulled apart something beautiful out of fear. A dread that was founded. An overwhelming need to protect Liam from my past where there was no protection afforded to me by my mind. I would forever be punishing myself.

I'd told him I needed to think.

And that was what I needed to do.

Because I was.

Iwasin love with him.

Chapter Fifteen | Liam

It was my second time at the gym today. The first had been at five in the morning after my eight-kilometre run that had turned into an all-out sprint near the end. Now it was two in the afternoon, and I was back at it, wanting to obliterate yesterday's call with Jamal.

His words haunted me.

I need time to think.

I loaded up the leg press. My thighs were already burning from running, but I wanted to punish myself. I had let my inner self believe Jamal felt the same about me as I felt about him.

I'd been delusional.

Jamal had tried to let me down easily by putting the blame on himself. Taken on the responsibility for the relationship ending. I knew better. The patterns of my life had repeated.

There are things you don't know about me you'd never understand.

Those words had been more telling than any of the others. He didn't think I could accept his disability in our relationship. That I'd always see his limitations as a barrier.

That he believed the wheelchair would make a difference to me.

I pushed hard against the metal plate with my feet.

I'd spent the past twenty years chasing beauty. Exploited myself for likes. Used descriptions and comments to confirm my followers' beliefs that I was hollow. Jamal had been privy to what was ultimately my degradation. I was obsessed with selling myself.

And that was the truth of the matter.

Jamal had been right to push me away.

Guys like me didn't have the maturity or intelligence to engage in a meaningful relationship. We cruised along, skimming off the top. Only giving our full attention to those we deem worthy.