"Yeah. It's important to me. I know some guys aren't into it, but I am."
I squeezed his thigh. "Me too."
Liam exhaled. "Oh, good. I wasn't sure … because of everything."
"I think we might have a problem, though. I follow you on social media. I know you're a top based on some of the things you say." I became lost in his curious eyes. "So am I."
His eyebrows dipped. "How? I had to work pretty hard to keep you … hard."
"I'm able to stay fully erect with cock rings."
Liam rose from the desk and walked across the room. "You've never bottomed?"
"It has the potential of being dangerous for me. I have bowel issues because of the paralysis."
Liam turned to face me. "I've never bottomed before. Never even played with my ass."
"So … that's ano?"
"I never said that." Liam came back and leaned his ass against my desk. "I'm willing to try. But only because it's you." He cupped my face in his hands. "You fill me with a need to try new things. Didn't know that would include bottoming for you, but I'll give it a try."
"We'd take our time."
"I know you wouldn't rush me."
I held his hand. "Give it some more thought. I want you to be sure."
Liam leaned forward and kissed me, then took off to oversee the kids using the weight equipment. The new activity was a big hit made better by Liam's presence. The youth had started raving about him. He was knowledgeable, he was friendly and funny, and he was nice to look at.
Now, he had something to think about. It would be a big step for him, considering he'd never even played with his hole. I had spoken the truth. We'd move at his speed.
In addition to everything else in our relationship, whatever we came up with sexually would be what was best for us. We were open and honest with each other.
I still had to tell Liam why Richard had really left me.
Chapter Thirteen | Liam
We prepared ourselves. It was Sunday night, the meeting of theSalish Sea Society, and Owen had said he had a bad date story to top others he'd told us before. He was going to speak first.
"Okay," Owen said and looked back and forth between us. "Last week I connected with this guy using my new dating profile. We decided to meet for a date last night … and it was going well. Lots of interesting things in common, including both looking for commitment. But then he tells me he's couch surfing at the moment. Doesn't have a home. Of course, I asked him why."
Owen shook his head as if he couldn't believe he was telling us this.
He took a sip of his ale. "He hooked up with a guy six months ago. The following day, hours after the guy left, the police showed up at his door." Owen closed his eyes. "You know what he said to me? Without a shred of remorse he says,the guy didn't look fifteen."
Ethan coughed out an exhalation. "What the fuck?"
Owen looked at Ethan. "Right? Of course, I'm thinking how on earth could a fifteen-year-old look thirty, because dude was forty-four. I was out on a date with a predator … a goddamned pedophile. He was charged and put on probation. He lost his job when they found out."
"Damn right," Noah said.
I was too stunned to speak.
"And then." Owen placed his hands on the table. "Get this. He says the worst part about the whole thing is that his wife of twenty years kicked him out of the house."
"He thought that was the worst part?" I found my voice. "Not the kid he had sex with."