I ended the call and set about removing my clothes. After some manoeuvring, I was undressed. I threw a cover onto the cushion of my wheelchair and transferred onto it.
After I dealt with my bladder, I wheeled partway into my shower. I placed a soft washcloth on my shower bench, lifted my legs into place with my hands, and moved onto the bench, then pushed the wheelchair a short distance away. Enough that it wouldn't get wet but where I could still reach it. I lifted the handheld showerhead from an attachment on the wall, turned it away from me, and started the water, testing it until the temperature was right.
The hot water felt good on my skin.
After shampooing and washing, I sprayed the forceful water into my lap as I thought of Liam. My cock showed some interest. In all the years I'd been seeing his pictures, I had never jerked off to visions of him. It had taken spending time with him to start a stampede of yearning for him.
My cock thickened so I wrapped my hand around it and stroked it to see if it was going to cooperate. I closed my eyes and imagined kissing Liam. Feeling his hands on me. Caressing me. In my imagination, both of us were on my bed … and I was able to move my legs.
He turned and knelt before me, his hole pink and perfect, begging for me to fill it. My cock twitched and swelled further. In my mind, I bent forward and kissed the back of Liam's shoulders. He sighed and reached behind him for me. I exhaled his name into his ear as I penetrated him.
I rode the ebb and flow of the wave building within me, pumping my dick for what felt like forever. It was never quick. No matter how wound up I was … it was never quick.
I pounded Liam's ass, both of us sweating and swearing until the coil let loose in my groin. I shuddered as my orgasm rippled through me. Even my legs managed some movement.
My cock softened as I sprayed down my thighs. There was nothing to wash away. On rare occasions, I might produce one small bead of cum. Most times not. My body could no longer switch over to release it. The entirety ended up in my bladder where no one could taste or play with it. Surely, even someone as kind as Liam would be put off by something like that.
Not that he'd ever find out.
It would be a miracle if we ever got to that place.
Chapter Five | Liam
It was a long stretch to change out the kegs of our most popular IPA. Noah had offered to do it, but I needed a moment to myself. Jamal had been on my mind constantly since our day at the museum. Twice while Noah and Brody were still away and the kids were at school, I had almost driven down to the youth centre to see him. The only thing stopping me was fear of the unknown. And the potential of losing him if I made a move. The unknown was his paralysis. The possibility he'd back away from me if I made my attraction to him known—real.
We'd made a silent agreement to be friends.
I was scared to go against it.
"You okay down here?" It was Noah.
"Contemplating my existence."
"And what have you decided?"
"That I need my head examined." I climbed off the keg I'd been stretched across and met Noah at the open door. "Or my heart … or both. I'm feeling a little tied up in knots, to be honest."
"What brought this on?"
I angled my way past Noah and headed for the stairs. "A man."
I turned to face him. "No, a man who actually likes me." I sighed. "Or seems to."
"You're not sure?"
"We're friends … at the moment anyway. I'm not sure it could ever be more."
"Do you want it to be more?"
"The question is doeshewant it to be more? I know where I stand."
God, that would have constituted a slip of the tongue. If I was going to spend any time around Jamal, I was going to have to think before speaking which was not my default setting.
"So … you're actually interested in having a relationship with someone?"