Page 51 of Liam

He was a constant presence.

I could imagine him being there for the next fifty years.

If my past didn't ruin everything.

I'd need to tell him eventually.

Chapter Eleven | Liam

It was Sunday night, and I hadn't seen Jamal for days. He was ever present in my mind. We'd had an amazing day going to the park, the warm fuzzies starting with waking up in his bed.

I filled my glass with ice water and took my seat in the snug with the other guys. It was theSalish Sea Societymeeting night, and for once, I was going to share first.

"I have news," I said.

"That's Ethan's line," replied Owen.

"I'm curious about this news," Noah added. "Someone hasn't shared with me yet."

"Processing," I responded. "I'm ready now."

"Spill," Ethan said.

"The path of friendship Jamal and I were on veered off in a different direction."

Owen set his glass down. "You're not serious. Are you in a relationship?"

"I posted a picture of us on social media."

"How did I miss that?" Ethan lifted his phone and started typing. He looked up at me when he found what he was looking for. "Aw. You two are so cute together."

"I stayed over at his house a few nights ago."

Noah's eyebrows rose. "Don't go into detail, but how did that go?"

"We didn't have sex. Just lots of kissing and cuddling."

"And how did that feel?" Ethan asked. "Taking it slow."

"Refreshing." I looked down at the table. "I think I may have found my person."

"Too soon to tell," Owen said, attempting to reign me in. But spending time with Jamal felt as natural as breathing. He'd uncovered what was once a path choked by self-obsession undergrowth and through his acceptance of the inner me, encouraged me to start clearing it.

"We're enjoying one another. We'll see where it goes."

"I'm happy for you both," Noah said.

"Me too," Ethan added.

"Even Liam is somehow finding love—" Owen sighed. "I'm destined to be alone."

I sat up straighter. "Chad was asking about you."

"So?" Owen frowned at me. "Probably looking for more ammunition." He tipped his head. "Thanks for that by the way, Liam. Saying he gets under my skin. He hasn't let me forget it."

"Sorry about that."

"I'm not sure how his husband puts up with him," Owen said. "The guy is such a prick."