Page 43 of Liam

"I'd never forgive myself if I didn't try for more with Jamal." That was the absolute truth. Denying my longing to be with Jamal would be like avoiding a turn down an intriguing laneway and missing out on discovering what beauty lay along it. I wanted to drive slowly. See everything.

His brow dipped. "You'rereallytaken with him, aren't you?"

"I'm desperate to find out how much."

"Have you given the paralysis any more thought?"

"It's something we'll have to talk about eventually, but right now, I'm more interested in what's going on inside him. That's where our connection is going to be made."

Noah smiled. "It's like you've grown up in front of my eyes."

"Fuck off. I was always in here. Just hadn't found someone who could draw me out."

"I'm happy for you."


We didn't speak about Jamal again until Noah and I were locking up.

"How are you getting along with his family?" he asked as he turned the key.

"I'm helping cook tomorrow night."

Noah's eyebrows rose. "Really?"

"You know I love cooking. I asked if I could help. I'd love to learn to cook some new things. Plus, it'll allow me to get to know his mamma and dadi better."

"You're fitting in."

I smiled. "Jamal says they love me."

Noah pounded my shoulder. "You're very loveable, Liam. I'm glad they see that. Have fun with them. And let me know how the kiss goes. I'll be looking for details."

"Not sure I'm going to want to share. What we're doing seems almost sacred."

Noah shook his head. "Who knew you were such a romantic."

I exhaled. "He brings it out in me." Jamal brought out so many emotions in me. I wanted to experience them to the fullest. Even the scary ones. The ones that made me think outside myself.

The following night, I was at Jamal's at exactly five o'clock.

Zahir opened the door. "Hey, Liam, come on in." He stepped back and let me in. "Chachi says you're helping her cook." I must have looked puzzled. "My father's brother's wife."

Another new word to store. I followed Zahir up the stairs and into the kitchen. Jamal's mom, Laila, was immediately on me, holding my face in both hands.

"Such a beautiful man come to help us."

"I'm excited to learn something new." I accepted an apron from Jamal's dadi.

"I'm going to teach you how to make naan," Dadi said. "We would have started it earlier, but dinner can be a little late. It'll give the Tikka Masala longer to cook."

"Where do I begin?"

Laila handed me a worn and stained recipe card and pointed me toward a glass bowl alongside an assortment of ingredients. "Start with the dry stuff."

That I knew. I mixed the flour, yeast, sugar, anise seeds, and salt.

"Liquids next, Laila?"