Page 92 of Substitute for Love

The sun filtered through the desert Palo Verde trees, casting a warm glow on Avery. The hair around her face was pulled back and adorned with purple flowers, the rest of her hair cascading in soft curls down her back. Her wedding dress was covered in floral lace, the A-line bodice form fitting and long skirt flowing. Gabe couldn’t stop smiling, hardly breaking his gaze on his bride.

Avery bit her lip. As a girl she imagined her wedding, but she never could have imagined a groom like Gabe. His messy hair was a contrast to his sleek tuxedo. His grin and eyes lingering on her making her heart leap.

The cute sub was now her cute husband. She stifled a laugh at the thought.

Friends and family had gathered in the botanical garden setting, signing their names in one of the sub binders donated from the school. Guests sat at round tables adorned with every color of purple flower. The scent of fresh muffins wafted through the air, thanks to Doreen, who had insisted on baking her concoctions for the reception.

Gabe and Avery had decided not to have groomsmen or bridesmaids, but Claire insisted on helping, so Avery assigned her to serve muffins. And dance with Hal, the janitor, should the opportunity arise.

As the guests settled, it was time for the toast. Doreen stood, holding her glass high.

“I’d like to say a few words about our lovely couple. I have to admit, I may have played a small part in bringing these two together as substitute teachers. But let’s be honest—these two were meant to be, no matter how they got together.”

Everyone cheered, and Avery’s heart swelled. She glanced over at her mom, who was holding Emmett on her lap. His little tail wagged furiously as he spotted her, and Avery felt a rush of happiness. Gabe’s parents sat near her mom. Avery caught his parents smiling at Gabe.

As the clinking of glasses quieted down, Gabe stepped forward with a playful grin. “I have a little surprise for Avery,” he announced, and the guests murmured. What was up his sleeve this time?

Gabe walked up to a display of purple flowers near the wedding cake. A few of the caterers removed the flowers, underneath a large piece of furniture covered in a large white tablecloth.

Gabe stepped up to it and yanked the cloth off to reveal a small low-back piano, glowing as the setting sun cast its rays.

Avery’s eyes widened in disbelief. “You got me apiano?” she gasped, her heart fluttering at the thoughtfulness of the gift. The memories of her and Gabe playing and singing together that day in the choir room flooded back.

Gabe shrugged, though his grin did nothing to hide his excitement. “I got a good deal on it.” Snickers peppered the audience. “I know how much you miss playing. I know how happy it makes you. And it’s my job to make you happy from now until forever.”

Overwhelmed with emotion, Avery rushed to Gabe, throwing her arms around him. “Thank you,” she whispered.

She stepped back, wiping away her happy tears. She quickly made her way to the piano, her fingers dancing over the keys, testing out a few notes. The sound filled the garden, andeveryone fell silent. Gabe stepped beside her, listening as Avery played. She eventually switched to another tune, something she had played in the choir room while Gabe sang. He took the bait and started singing along, his lovely tenor voice filling her with warmth. As the last notes faded, applause erupted around them.

He offered his hand, and she took it, standing to meet him. “Come with me to the dance floor, Mrs. Manwaring.”

“I like the sound of that,” she said.

He guided her to the center of the venue, twirling her around as music started. They danced and danced, not wanting the moment to end. But Avery realized, it didn’t have to. They were husband and wife now. They could look forward to the rest of their lives together.

“Isn’t it funny?” Avery asked, her head resting on Gabe’s shoulder.

“What’s that, honey?” Gabe asked.

“We were just two lonely substitutes,notlooking for love. And look what happened.”

He stopped dancing, causing her to lift her head and meet his gaze. “Wait, your sub plans didn’t say ‘fall in love with the most handsome guy around’?” He waggled his eyebrows.

She laughed, letting her head fall back. After she recovered, she shook her head. “Um, no. Why, why did your sub plans say?”

Gabe looked up in thought. “Be careful, this substitute job may turn into a long-term thing.”

Avery smirked. “Hey, good one. A little cheesy. But it turned out to be true.”

Gabe held her and they started dancing again. Then he leaned in and whispered in her ear. “I wrote my own plans. Here they are: Love her for the rest of my life… and never let her go.”

Epilogue: Gabe

After a quick honeymoon to a nearby beach in Mexico, Gabe and Avery moved into their cozy new one-story home just a few blocks from Avery’s mom. They spent every evening after subbing at the high school setting up their new space.

“Who needs a couch?” Gabe said, his arm around Avery as they surveyed the only piece of furniture in their living room: Avery’s piano.

They had already hung two large portraits: one of them in front of a pyramid in Egypt and one of their wedding. Boxes of their separate items lined the walls, soon to betheiritems, together. Many of the boxes had “Avery’s books” written on them.