Page 87 of Substitute for Love

Had she changed her mind? She texted that she loved him. Had she meant it? Gabe’s insides tensed.

“You were supposed to be gone. Off pursuing your dream.”

“I tried. But maybe it wasn’t meant to be. Maybe this is what’s meant to be.” He moved in closer, the magnetism between them willing him to touch her. “I should have told you before, at the airport. In the car this morning. Every day I’ve known you. I love you, Avery. Since we met. I left the airport,ready to tell you. Ready to risk everything. I couldn’t leave without telling you.”

She smiled through tears, laughing softly. He ran his hands up and down her arms, the moment like a dream. Only the two of them, their eyes locked, their hearts locked. He leaned in, and she leaned in. Two halves of a whole coming together, the distance between them shrinking with each passing second. Gabe’s heart pounded in his chest, his mind screaming.

“I love you, too,” she whispered, her voice barely more than a breath. “But you have to go. This is your dream.”

He shook his head, his forehead brushing lightly against hers. “You’re my dream, Avery.”

The kiss was soft at first, tentative, like a question they were both too afraid to ask. But then, as if the floodgates had opened, it deepened. Gabe’s arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer, and she melted into him, her hands sliding up to his neck. He was here, she was here. All that mattered was this kiss, this moment.

Avery’s fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer. Gabe responded, his hands moving to the small of her back, holding her like he never wanted to let go. The kiss spoke all the things they hadn’t been able to say: the longing, the fear, the hope, and most of all, the love.

They broke apart slowly, both breathing hard, their foreheads resting against each other. Gabe’s lips still hovered near hers as if he couldn’t bear to break the connection completely.

“I should tell you to stay,” Avery whispered, her voice shaking. “But I can’t. You have to go. I want you to.”

He closed his eyes, nodding, knowing she’d never forgive him if he didn’t go, and knowing he’d never forgive himself if he stayed. His arms tightened around her, as if holding on wouldkeep him from leaving. “I’ll come back,” he promised, his voice thick with emotion. “I’ll come back to you, Avery. I swear.”

She nodded, blinking back the tears that were already threatening to spill. “We’ll figure it out,” she said, her voice breaking. “We’ll text. Video chat. Just don’t forget about me.”

Gabe cupped her face in his hands, wiping away a tear with his thumb. “I could never forget you.”

With one last kiss, a promise sealed in the warmth of their lips, Gabe stepped back. Both of them knew it was only a temporary goodbye, but the ache of parting was already settling in. Gabe took a deep breath, memorizing this moment with his eyes and heart.

Their hands came together, their fingers interlacing. He smirked.

“What? What are you thinking, Gabe Manwaring?”

He had to drink her in, take in every second. Gabe hugged her tight then lifted her and twirled her around, Avery’s squeals echoing down the hallway.

Setting her down slowly, their eyes locked. Gabe had never known pure joy like this. “Dang, I wish I wasn’t leaving. I could kiss you all day.” They kissed again, and again, until finally they parted. “I’m so glad those sub binders were mixed up that day.”

He turned back towards the front office, Avery’s head poking around him looking in the same direction. Doreen fumbled with the phone, dropping it on the desk. “What? I did what I had to do.”

Gabe turned around and faced Avery, both of them laughing, their arms holding each other. As their laughter slowed, they both lost their smiles. “You’re leaving.” Avery was breathless. “It’s time for you to go. But I’ll be right here, waiting.”

They kissed a final time, for reals. Gabe melting into her softness, her scent, her safety. His Avery. The woman who helped him become better, the woman who was letting himgo. He couldn’t wait to go on his adventure, but the bigger adventure would be returning to her.

Chapter 30: Gabe

Being away from Avery was like leaving a piece of himself behind, but this time at the airport, something was different. He was calm, even grinning from ear to ear. It wasn’t only the adventure of heading to Egypt, which thrilled him on its own, but it was knowing that Avery was waiting for him, and they’d make it work. They had to.

Egypt was everything Gabe had dreamed it would be—intense heat, endless sand, and history beneath every footstep.

His professor clapped him on the back as they perched above the dig sight. “Glad you got here, boy. You ready todig in?”

Gabe chuckled. He had the same humor. It would make the long, hot days go by quicker. But then, so would thinking about Avery. Texting her. Daydreaming about her. His phone pinged. Another picture of Emmett, with smiling Avery next to him.

In so many ways, he wished they were together. But this long-distance thing meant lots and LOTS of picture of her. Which he scrolled through every night before bed.

They video chatted at least once a week, usually when he was starting his day, and Avery was about to head to bed back in Arizona. Those calls became his lifeline.

“Guess what? The history teacher Mr. Tolman is retiring,” Avery told him. “Doreen wanted me to remind you. Wink, wink.”

“Yeah, she told me. A few times.”